Enshrouded feedback board

Please post in English only. Posts and comments in other languages will be removed. Only one idea per suggestion. Laundry lists of suggestions will be removed. Make sure that suggestions are actually actionable!

Here are some things to keep in mind about Enshrouded and this suggestion board:

  1. PLEASE SEARCH TO SEE IF YOUR IDEA ALREADY EXISTS! Currently, less than 1 out of 10 ideas suggested is actually new! Upvote the existing ideas to make them popular!
  2. Our first priority is to fix any major issues, crashes, bugs, etc. that might happen when the game releases. First, we want the game to run well for everyone, then we will start expanding the game.
  3. No promises! Developing games is a complex and time-consuming task. Even seemingly small changes can completely up-end your development plans. The team saying we love your idea does not mean it will happen, or that it will happen soon!
  4. We make the final call. Getting high votes does not mean we can or will make a suggestion happen. We are listening to suggestions and taking the ones we think will fit the vision we have for Enshrouded.
  5. Suggestions should be actionable. A ticket should have an achievable end goal. Saying "Make this better" doesn't tell the team what you actually want.
  6. Don't use this board to report bugs! Bugs should be reported in-game by pressing F1 and picking "Report an issue".

General Combat Feedback Thread (Update 4 and 5)

We get a fair bit of general combat feedback on here, often multiple suggestions that don't really work as a single actionable ticket. I've made this thread to merge ...
Suggested by: Toast (08 Nov, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 146

Add a quiver to hold arrows

Let's begin with the QUIVER that every archer must have; the quiver serves as an "INVENTORY" for arrows, and in it, you can store all types of arrows available in the ...
Suggested by: MaFa (29 Jan, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 38

Planting Crops in a Grid (3x3, 4x4, 5x5)

To add an upgraded hoe or better quality (Copper, Bronze or Iron). This would enable players to plant crops in bigger grids instead of planting one seedling at a time ...
Suggested by: Samuel Cutler (28 Jan, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 61

Regain health while resting or sleeping

At the moment, there is no other way than food, bandage and potion to regain health (magic maybe I didn't explore well that area yet). Those are valuable items that ...
Suggested by: Romulus077 (27 Jan, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 18

Make player homes a safe space from hypothermia in the mountain biome.

As the title states. Being in the mountain biome, inside my home should be safe from hypothermia. It doesn't make sense to be suffering from hypothermia while sitting ...
Suggested by: HKesadilla (11 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 18

strength scaled ranged weapons

Dexterity Bow users have dual daggers for a melee option, but strength based melee users don't have a ranged option. My suggestion is Great Bows, or Crossbows. Those ...
Suggested by: Kelanor (15 Dec, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 1

Improve Loot - RNG Loot / Better Loot Tables

Bosses should drop all different kinds/rarity not just the same 3 weps. same as items like chest and treasure chests should have a % chance at higher rarity items ...
Suggested by: Bigghugz (20 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 65

Animation canceling / Reduce attack to block animation delay / allow us to cancel attack animations

Wearing a wand with shield, the delay from attacking to you are able to block does not feel good. According to the animation, it feels like you would be able to block ...
Suggested by: Gargazet (04 Aug, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 33

(Feedback) Fell Dragon Youngling Too OP for SP/SOLO

it seems that the "Fell Dragon Youngling" is way too OP for SP/Solo, even if the player sets the enemies and bosses to super easy and you use a sound strategy using ...
Suggested by: 2005Guyver02 (08 Dec, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 1
Open suggestion Balance change

Spells stored in staff/special spell book, instead of carrying eternal spells in inventory.

I would like to see the addition of spell runes. A staff would have more rune slots depending on level and rarity of the staff. A player could then craft different ...
Suggested by: Wes (07 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 5

Tamed Redtails Should Also Drop Feathers

I tried looking to see if this has been posted before posting, didn't see anything. So I see no reason why a tamed Redtail shouldn't drop feathers as well as ...
Suggested by: Gadburn (03 Feb) Upvoted: today Comments: 0

plant / harvest multiples at once while farming

Farming is pretty necessary for bow builds, so you can get twigs easily. But having to press left click 150 times to plant (which turns out to more clicks, since ...
Suggested by: Nuffus (28 Jan, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 53

Pickup / Reuseable / Reuse Arrows

Survival games should have reusable arrows system like atleast 70% of the arrows should be reusable. Note from Devs: We added a "magic arrow" that's infinitely ...
Suggested by: aarvpaul (28 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 36

Improved Stealth

There is almost no incentive to stealth around - add some stealth attack bonuses to bows/melee besides the melee skill in the tree.
Suggested by: ixxxo (27 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 06 Feb Comments: 33

Enemy AI casters should be Interruptible

The Skeleton casters in Hollow Halls are annoying as you cannot stun them mid cast.
Suggested by: KaityUK (04 Jan) Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 1

Mining with explosives

Mining with explosives would be neat and make sense. Maybe have the ore drop and you vacuum it up when you walk up to it
Suggested by: Rezort (26 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 25 Jan Comments: 4
Open suggestion Balance change

weather has benefits instead of just negatives

Weather can't just be a negative thing.. give us some positives for when it rains or it will just get annoying. Maybe something like, increases how fast our crops ...
Suggested by: lia (08 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 22 Jan Comments: 5

jump attack - No fall damage

When fighting a cyclops, you sometimes get launched high in the air. Sometimes you get launched high enough to die from fall damage, and if you're down at the feet ...
Suggested by: Stratacaster (29 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 1

Link hypothermia/warmth to presence of sunlight.

The character should be warmer when standing in the sunlight vs in shadow. Cloud cover would affect this. Imagine you are almost out of warmth, but then you realize ...
Suggested by: Alex G (03 Feb) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 0

Please make taming animals easier.

Taming animals in this game feels like it takes way too much time. I've tamed animals in other games, (Red Dead 2, Zelda BoTW, etc.), but this is just too much. I'm ...
Suggested by: Michael (15 Jan) Upvoted: 04 Feb Comments: 1
Implemented Balance change

Increase altar size beyond level 4

Can we upgrade the Flame alter past 4. Past the 160*160*160? Would love to be able to build a whole entire city using one alter flame rather than all 8 in an area.
Suggested by: Nadia Spafford (13 Jul, '24) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 3

Remove "Ammunition" from Staffs, Make them discoverable/Skills

I suggest the option of removing spells from being an "Ammunition" Then making them into a discoverable spell, like a skill. You dont need ammunition of the spell it ...
Suggested by: Celestial (24 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 27 Jan Comments: 37
Open suggestion Balance change

Equipment Enhancements / modify weapons via crafting

I like the upgrade system based on item quality. The higher the quality the more upgrade or augment spots it has. Please consider the ability to add auxiliary items ...
Suggested by: OrthoPH (25 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 26 Jan Comments: 10

"Mass destruction" should not affect animals when you have beastmaster skills

The Wizard Skill Mass Destruction is supposed to hit all "enemies" in a 20 meter radius when you score a critical hit with a magical weapon. Various Beastmaster ...
Suggested by: Tymon (05 Jun, '24) Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 2

All hollow enemies should drop ectoplasm

I find that most skeleton or hollow enemies have no good reason to ever focus on them, torn cloth, bones and salt are all easy to find everywhere, i would like to see ...
Suggested by: Joe (07 Jan) Upvoted: 06 Feb Comments: 0

Dragon Boss isnt melee friendly

can we make the final boss more melee friendly im not trying to go collect a whole new set of gear and rebuild skills for one single fight. kinda annoying that its so ...
Suggested by: Nathiir (14 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 05 Feb Comments: 4
Open suggestion Balance change

Add a mini Flame Altar for protecting small areas from resetting

Add a lower tier Flame that allows building only. I get that there needs to be a limit on Flames that allow fast travel etc., but it's a bummer for servers with ...
Suggested by: Jussik (26 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 04 Feb Comments: 8

Make Food/Cooking More Necessary

Right now, food is very passive. You only need it for buffs or healing, but otherwise you never really use it despite picking up loads of it while you're out ...
Suggested by: Darbii Rue (26 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 12
Open suggestion Balance change

repair needs resources

repair at workbench may need resources, proportional to damage.
Suggested by: Ray (06 Jul, '24) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 0
Open suggestion Balance change

Make endgame loot come from content, not farming gold chests.

Currently, the best (only) way to acquire max level gear, including legendaries, is to farm gold chests. This is very boring gameplay, and doesn't interact with any ...
Suggested by: Broodax (14 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 0

Wand/Staff light

Please add a perk for wizards that makes the wand and staff emit light equal to the torch
Suggested by: WJS (13 Jul, '24) Upvoted: 25 Jan Comments: 0

Turn up drop rates for meat and resin.

Never have I ever played a survival game where an animal that is supposed to drop meat, doesn't. I killed 12+ wolves and got 1 meat, same thing for the goats. In a ...
Suggested by: Opes (24 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 22 Jan Comments: 7
Open suggestion Balance change

Off-hand magic item

Add something like a focus, book or something like that to boost magic damage or mana regen that we can use instead of a shield
Suggested by: Rafael (27 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 22 Jan Comments: 5

More Attack Variety

If we could have skills in the melee tree that add melee charge attacks (hold LMB) or perhaps a charged arrow shot (hold LMB after drawing, taking more time for even ...
Suggested by: Jules (27 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 22 Jan Comments: 28

ectoplasm thing for the collector sucks

did you ever think that this may be the one thing that is hurting your game? 1. there are at least 10 "keys" needed to open thos door. 2. it is dark. 3. the color ...
Suggested by: Joe (05 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 20 Jan Comments: 0
Open suggestion Balance change

Help the melee fighters with flying enemies

Melee fighters are still at a severe disadvantage against flying enemies. Not only do they have to award extra skill points in order to do any serious damage against ...
Suggested by: Dariel (14 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 20 Jan Comments: 2
Open suggestion Balance change

Beastmaster talent overhaul

Overhaul beastmaster tree, dedicated 'pet tamer'/'pet class', with a separate talent tree for tamed animals. Wolf, spider, boar, lions/tigers all tameable with ...
Suggested by: Ghost (19 Nov, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 2

Higher Tier Loot on Common mobs

Killing a level 15 wolf should drop something better than killing a level 1 wolf. Either more resources per kill or upgraded mats, otherwise there's no reason to ...
Suggested by: destren (26 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 1
Open suggestion Balance change

Add kicking an enemy to combat.

Only when blocking, perform a simple kick that knocks the enemy back then proceed to attack again.
Suggested by: Enshrooded (21 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 04 Feb Comments: 1

Make Wells Remove to Backpack, instead of deconstruct

Twice now, the game has lagged while I hit E (attempting to get water out of a well), and caused my character to dismantle wells. I have not yet reached the portion ...
Suggested by: Rhinehold (11 Jun, '24) Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 2

Include materials in magic chests in the displayed totals for production stations like seedbeds

When browsing recipes (and when a recipe is selected) in the time-based production stations like seedbeds, drying racks etc., the available resources only show what ...
Suggested by: Rob Rendell (03 Sep, '24) Upvoted: 02 Feb Comments: 1

Timed production when sleeping

Any timed production should go with the flow of time while sleeping.
Suggested by: Ace G (25 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 02 Feb Comments: 5
Open suggestion Balance change

Eat, drink, and heal while running

When fighting allow the player to heal/buff while running.
Suggested by: Enshrooded (21 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 01 Feb Comments: 0

Difficulty Settings

Add Difficulty Setting for Players who wanna Grind and want to die often. So make a Setting with Hard Settings or a Hardcore Mode where u only die once. If you ...
Suggested by: ADG (19 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 01 Feb Comments: 169

Longer Days

Simple and short: I wish the maximum lenght of the "Day" was x2 (double) or x4 (quadruple)... I hop on looking forward to my "sataside play/ relax time" and even ...
Suggested by: Visigoth_ (12 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 0
Open suggestion Balance change

sneak kill needs more forward steap.

its very evident that the stealth kills are scripted events. it kills the immersion when every time the enemy character stops in their tracks and its also possible ...
Suggested by: superpebble (16 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 0

Allow us to craft from any nearby chests, not just magic chests.

To streamline a bit the process of crafting objects while in the base, I think it would be very helpful if the game took in consideration nearby crates. This would ...
Suggested by: Enrico Labarile (24 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 28 Jan Comments: 19

More Player Crafted Weapons

The weapons we find can be cool, but beyond the very early crafting we don't really have any weapons of our own creation. I'd love to be able to gather and ...
Suggested by: Drifter (23 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 26 Jan Comments: 0

Goats easy, cat imposable

I tried to tame the cat the same way I tamed the goat, but I can never approach the cat while it is eating, so I may pet it. It eats the food, I see the heart, yet ...
Suggested by: Ray4rail (18 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 25 Jan Comments: 2

Expand difficulty options for mining and other tedious processes

Background info: I'm playing the game solo with no intent to join any other players ever. None of my friends play Enshrouded (as far as I'm aware) and I'm okay with ...
Suggested by: Yurii (12 Aug, '24) Upvoted: 25 Jan Comments: 4