save talent tree loadouts
with the large variety of skills and builds to make it would be nice to have something to save your current skill tree. having like 5-10 saves maybe to keep your favorite builds that you can swap to whenever you would like to or delete the ones you don't like as much to free up space again, the cost could be the same and you could still do it at your flame alter but this way you can just swap around a little easier for builds.
Comments: 28
27 Jan, '24
Zilch MergedI like switching my build from time to time, depending on what I'm doing. Either to make it more fun for me or to do some tasks easier/more convenient. However, it becomes a long winded process of swapping from build to build. Like I might be spec'd heavy into mage but I decided I wanted to focus more on building for a bit and thus I need resources, so I reset my tree grab the resource nodes and some mobility nodes for an easier time. Once I'm done and want to slay some monsters or go back to doing my main quest, I would need to switch back to my mage build again. re-clicking and confirming each node. I won't even mind if the feature was locked behind some type of progression or workbench or if it costed more runes to make it possible.
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01 Feb, '24
Sancocho_Jones MergedRather than having to rebuild every single time you respec, have talent pages you can swap between every time you want to respec. Still costs the same, but would make it much easier. You also wouldn't have to remember every point you put in your best specs.
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02 Feb, '24
Nick okeefe MergedThe ability to save talent trees. So you don’t have to completely rebuild everytime. Also the ability to reset individual points instead of the whole tree would be nice
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03 Feb, '24
MazaykeenGreat idea for switching between main combat/exploration build (e.g. Mage) and stamina-based resources miner.
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04 Feb, '24
Seph MergedIt would be nice to have the ability to create task-specific gear and hotbar loadouts that can be easily equipped or swapped.
07 Feb, '24
The ParthalonianDear GAWD yes!
Some ppl on the server have several characters, because they don't want to respec their skill trees.
Have something like 3x specs.... players could even learn it from the respective NPCs. -
07 Feb, '24
RLD MergedWhy the hell this only has a few upvotes is beyond me.
And "costed" is not a word. it's simply "Cost". -
08 Feb, '24
Boats MergedAn export/import option that allows you to copy a string for the skill set would be good enough for me. That would also make it easy to share builds, which would be a huge plus.
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15 Feb, '24
Mark Muntz MergedI would suggest changing the way skills are reset completely from only 10 Runes to each skill point costing a Rune. Runes are abundant later on and if Keen would allow us to reset each skill independently with the cost of the Skill being the cost of the Runes. If there are dependent skills past the one you want to reset they would have to be reset as well, making a higher cost but it would scale with level and should not be painful. With this, I would like all of the quality-of-life items to be center circle (Move the glider uplift to where mining, etc. so we can change these out as necessary without affecting the tree. Glider and running skills are a necessity for all builds yet they are gated and limits primary play style.
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17 Feb, '24
RealityMeltdownThe skill tree really confused me.
Some skills are utility - double jump, tools, durability, animal security guards.
But most are combat. Why both? Swapping seems silly but it would band-aid the problem. I can turn on some Beastmaster to go harvest & mine, then swap to a combat build to fight anything. -
18 Feb, '24
jo MergedI like this. An "apply/confirm" button type feature would be great as well. So you can go through your talent tree and activate/deactivate talents until you are satisfied then click "apply" to lock them in. Instead of the current system where one you select the talent, you're locked in and if you make a mistake you have to respec again.
18 Feb, '24
joSaid this on another similar suggestion, but adding an "apply/confirm" button to the skill tree would be great feature to add to this as well. Fine tune your build by freely selecting and deselecting talents until you are satisfied, then clicking "apply" to lock them in.
19 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Passive skill tree loadouts/presets" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (13) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
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19 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Hotbar and Gear Loadouts" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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22 Feb, '24
MaxCan we make this happen since i like playing this game but i'm not in mood to level all chars to level 25 i belive i can but not sure if i want to :D
25 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Talent points" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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11 Mar, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Add Talent Pages" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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12 Mar, '24
NoodleCould we also have the ability to highlight a particular skill that we are working towards .... perhaps with a right click?
27 Mar, '24
ShiinzNeeded, but only change from an altar.
02 Apr, '24
Impact_biasattach an NPC to the ability to be able to use after level ?? it unlocks then like the flame you need a sacrifice to upgrade it, giving the player something to strive for. NPC : Scholar would be my suggestion. Each upgrade unlocks a new service, and categorize the upgrades for amounts or services. this could take most the added Admin threads as well. Scholar could have a lectern for a builder for talent tree load outs.
03 Apr, '24
ThandiusTo have this makes even more sense now: with the Hollow Halls added to the game, I very much enjoy using different builds there than in the world above.
I would be fine with just being able to switch builds my flame altars. -
09 Jun, '24
Keen MergedMake modification of one node or a path possible. Embed the skill deactivation cost into each node. Total cost can be calculated by adding up the deactivation cost of the path, to which the node is being deactivated. Allowing player to modify skill locally rather than having to reset each time a mistake happens.
Flame only functions as a radius in which a player is allowed to modify their skill. All modifications menu is implemented into the skill tree page.
Also, a system of skill presets or profiles (load/save/delete) would be extremely helpful. Can be further expanded by being able to share skill presets between players. -
16 Jun, '24
Rocket PoopI would love loadouts for both skill tree and equips. Maybe for balance sake, we can start out with only two, and purchase more with runes.
I also like the idea of only being able to modify and changing loadouts with a device/npc/etc you place in your HOME(s). -
02 Jul, '24
Toast Admin"Individual/Path of Skill Nodes Modification & Skill Tree Profile System (Save/Load/Delete)" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-06-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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15 Aug, '24
CoyotlThrowing in my two cents that being able to save skill/talent builds would be great. I want so badly to try out a completely different build but I don't really want to have to redo my current build from scratch in hopes of remembering every skill/talent I have on it when I want to swap back.
Even just 3-5 save slots for builds and the ability to choose a new saved build at the same cost as re-assigning the skill points would be a wonderful QoL feature. -
27 Oct, '24
LennyYES ! Please I beg you !!
I want to try a lot of different mode to try different way to fight, or just try special mode, or even know the games mecanics better !
It's such a pain to always redo our skills points... -
22 Nov, '24
Jurii would not even mind this but we could use some currancy to pay a piper for a change i belive we are swiming insome of em
10 Dec, '24
AmarianthSaved skill trees and armor sets held in a separate inventory from the backpack which could be swapped while away from the flame would be a huge help. Our group doesn't have a dedicated healer. In fact, we are almost all melee which isn't usually an issue. However, there are times when we need someone to heal the rest of us, so we are taking turns sharing the responsibility. When the need arises, that person has to go back to the flame and storage to change out the spec and pick up the correct armor, then make their way back to the rest of us. It's time consuming and annoying.
The other option is for one of us to carry a flame altar and the gear with us in case we need to change spec on the fly, but that takes up valuable space in the backpack that could be put to much better use. It also means that we have to remember our original spec when we switch back afterward and we have to deactivate the altar when we're done.
Please provide a better method.