Auto collect basic resources and loot
Basically the idea would be to make it where mining rocks, cutting trees, or anything similar automatically stores the items dropped in your inventory
Too many times have I had logs powerslide off a slope into the abyss below.
Comments: 155
24 Jan, '24
Splinterkat MergedIt's really annoying to have to press E to pick up everything, I end up missing things or activating nearby objects all the time, can we just get auto-pickup for mundane items like most survival games?
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24 Jan, '24
Scavar MergedOr at least being able to hold E(or whatever your contextual use key is) to vacuum stuff up.
100+ -
24 Jan, '24
talesboom MergedHold E and run to collect loots around
100+ -
25 Jan, '24
Astalph MergedPlease, "No". Why do people these days want everything so easy and lacking in effort? Auto-loot would be ridiculous in a game like this. This isn't a loot pinata game where there's treasure all over the screen.
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25 Jan, '24
Stonegut MergedI'll add to this as opposed to starting a new thread. While holding e, or auto-looting nearby items (branches, rocks, and more), extend the loot distance a short amount. Having to stand almost on top of the item seems excessive. Thank you.
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25 Jan, '24
Bradley MergedAstalph, please explain how not having the ability to pick up all items by holding E would change the gameplay for the worse? You are more than welcome to just press E on everything if that's how you like to spend your time.
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25 Jan, '24
frozty MergedWhen opening or searching a box, animal etc... it would be really nice if your inventory opened as well... to remove or delete things.
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25 Jan, '24
Nathanondorf MergedMaybe not autoloot, but at least a way to distinguish lootable items on the ground easier, as compared to non-lootable items. I found it a bit difficult to spot lootable items at times as some are fairly small and you might not even notice they're there unless you drag your cursor and happen to hover, pixel-perfect right over them. On the flip side however, having lootable items glow or have text above them at "all times" is undesirable too.
So maybe either a key you can hold that makes all the items glow for a moment or something similar? -
25 Jan, '24
OrthoPH MergedI would disagree to this, maybe a "highlight" around interactable/pickable items so we can noticed it easily.
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26 Jan, '24
James (Pred) MergedI found myself holding e and being surprised when nothing happened so, yeah, I'd like for hold e to perform an auto pickup of all nearby items.
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26 Jan, '24
Beza MergedHaving to constantly spam E to pick up stuff around me, and on occasion being yeeted off to the grappling hook _behind_ me while doing that is plain unfun. Make it a toggeable option, but please add this QoL feature! If it only works for loot which has just been "created" by smashing a container, or pulling down a beehive / chopping a tree as opposed to say stones on the ground, that'd be perfect.
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26 Jan, '24
Splinterkat MergedIn response to the folks saying this is too easy, the idea behind this was specifically for items you've looted from something like a tree you chopped down, an enemy you killed, or a container you broke.
If I triggered the items to drop I obviously planned on picking it up, why waste the time and break the flow of the game so I can press E a bunch of times while trying to see where the stuff went? That's not gameplay that's nuisance. -
26 Jan, '24
avelle MergedAs someone who suffers from chronic pain and RSI I wholeheartedly agree that this would be a great feature to have. Even if you added a toggle under accessibility it would be great.
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26 Jan, '24
Maverick MergedWhen walking around, you will automatically pickup and sort items into your inventory instead of creating seperate piles of the same items. Set an option to only loot certain rarities as well. Increase storage containers while you're at it.
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26 Jan, '24
TGoodfellow MergedIt would be helpful if we could just hold E down to collect stuff on the ground
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26 Jan, '24
BlueJoy MergedAs SplinterKat said, the idea is that it auto loots the stuff that has been specifically triggered such as the wood when chopping down a tree. Please give us this option. A toggle is totally fine. I have pretty bad carpal tunnel at times and I know there are a ton of other gamers out there who have even less function in their hands and having a game like this where you have to press a button on every single item is highly frustrating.
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26 Jan, '24
Kortak MergedI dont need this.. So didnt vote for it. better you make loot sparkle..
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26 Jan, '24
Brill MergedLooting everything in a radius around you needs to be implemented as a QOL feature.
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27 Jan, '24
Joe Greathouse Mergedi agree, like i missed a couple scrap metals because they fall under the ground or i cant see them in rubble would be nice to have like a loot all button instead of having to run around spamming loot button
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27 Jan, '24
paynis MergedI vote for hold for autopickup
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27 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin Merged"Not having to press e so much" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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27 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin Merged"Fast looting" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-24), including upvotes (7) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
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27 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin Merged"Auto-Loot with Auto-Sort when looting" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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27 Jan, '24
Zilch MergedI'm not young... my arthritis... this would help, any variation of what has been suggested would be helpful. I enjoy farming but I don't enjoy harvesting it just mashing 'E' over and over. Cutting down a tree/Mining out a boulder, the materials get scattered around and there I go mashing e yet again while walking around to collect the scattered materials. Looting an enemy is fine, you kill > press E > press F or space, that's manageable, but for other things like I mentioned earlier there has to be some improvement to the experience. Maybe put it as an accessibility toggle option to pacify other people who disagree with this setting/suggestion.
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27 Jan, '24
David Rowland MergedI would prefer this require an accessory. Maybe I don't want certain loot to fill my inventory. At least this way I can choose when this happens.
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27 Jan, '24
Theophrastus Bombastus MergedMaybe just give us the options to pick up items by either press "E", like it is implemented now, or to hold "E" while we walk or run to auto pick up everything around us. That would be cool i think.
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27 Jan, '24
jay MergedLike how you mine ore in the ground hitting a tree with your axe should just add the wood into your bags. If your bags are full then they can drop on the ground around you. As someone who was just farming wood for an hour today its really annoying to chop down the tree and then spam e as I run in circles.
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28 Jan, '24
IllusionRay MergedA auto loot check box in setting and a way to delete stuff from your inventory like a trash can to drag and drope or a left click option and a way to tag trash item to be automaticly deleted or selled in vender.
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28 Jan, '24
SARGE Mergedadd auto looting, especially for grabbing item from death
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28 Jan, '24
BravoVet MergedIm sure alot of people can relate, but for example when farming trees for like shroud wood and whatnot, the wood that drops sometimes will fall off a cliff or roll somewhere. Make it to where when we are farming nodes, as we are hitting those particular materials, they automatically go into our invetory.
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28 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin Merged"Farming materials should automatically go into invetory, not drop on the ground to pickup" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin Merged"auto loot" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin Merged"Cutting down trees should give you wood in your bags. I dont like picking logs up off the ground," (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Foxglovez N MergedYES! Option for autoloot on or off. The problem I run into is loot is hidden in the ground half the time and having to go over every area a time or two to be sure to get it all is a pain. And NO two part looting. Too much clicking is really annoying. One button, one time, hoovers it all up and off we go.
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28 Jan, '24
Cyris MergedA auto loot check box in personl settings everbody can choose
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28 Jan, '24
TriptychAngel MergedBeing able to craft a magic item that auto loots things would be great
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29 Jan, '24
Dale MergedAt least when chopping or mining let the loot auto-loot. That's why we are chopping trees and busting rocks for.
Plus some items when dropped to the ground are hard to find if color blind. I would prefer to not have to play with foliage turned off just to see if tree resin fell. -
29 Jan, '24
Wing MergedHaving the server owner or single player host be able to turn on proximity looting would be a nice touch. I can see where in multiplayer your friend can be a loot goblin and take everything and it could get obnoxious but it would be a nice option regardless and very good for solo. Many enemies are group kills and there is an animation to loot so it would just give you more time to do other things and save you IRL time, rather than have to run to each enemy you killed to loot.
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29 Jan, '24
Ken MergedThis could easily be solved by adding seeable particles to loot-able objects or body's. That way it will be obvious as to what still needs to be looted.
I disagree with auto looting. But instead add it as an option in the menu. Where you can turn it on or off and only pressing E will automatically loot everything. -
29 Jan, '24
Be_Nielsen MergedWierd this isnt higher on the wishlist, this was the first thing I looked for int the game settinge menu, a way to toggle auto loot!
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29 Jan, '24
Windstorm MergedI don't want an auto loot but at least a "loot all" button inside a mob's loot menu would be nice
30 Jan, '24
Hoshikudaki MergedIt would be nice to have some consistency, The pick axe auto loots terrain/ore where the axe cutting trees spawns items to pickup.
Also there should be a way to harvest efficiently when growing crops in bulk. Mashing 'E' to collect 100 flax is tedious -
30 Jan, '24
Kai MergedAuto-looting can prevent items from clipping through the terrain and become unreachable.
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30 Jan, '24
Leth MergedAuto-loot should certainly work on anything that STACKS. I don't think it's needed for single slot items like potions and weapons, etc.
31 Jan, '24
JD MergedAdd it as optional if it would get added. I would totally not want to play if that's the case.
31 Jan, '24
Jinxed MergedThis was a sore spot for me but it became especially bad when in the wastes trying to get yucca fruit. Almost every single piece of yucca fruit that fell, fell into the ground mesh just a tiny little bit and was unnoticeable so you just have to run around and spam E, hoping that you pick one up if it dropped.
Even just pressing E once and having everything within a set meter hoover to your character would be a huge improvement. That would be a potential skill to upgrade too, increasing the hoover distance. -
31 Jan, '24
Ephora Mergedhaving both autoloot and hold to pick up options in the settings would be nice.
I prefer looting manually but clicking each item individually is gonna give carpal tunnel a field day. -
31 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Proximity Looting" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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01 Feb, '24
Zara MergedAccessibility should be a huge focus. I agree with those who commented that some form of autoloot would help. Or at least making those items more visible for those with vision loss etc
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01 Feb, '24
yonder MergedThis is the first suggestion that I wish had a downvote. auto-looters are an entirely different genre. I absolutely do not want to auto pick up everything.
IF you add this, make it toggleable, and make sure you get feedback to see what % of your playerbase uses it.
Crop harvesting, on the other hand, would be improved with efficiency.