Allow Altars to be crafted from a biome's "native" stone too, not just from "Stone"
Often times you are at a spot you want to build an altar, but in most biomes regular Stone is scarce, so it would be great if Altars could be also crafted using a biome's native, most common stone-type, like Sandstone, Limestone, Granite etc. (As a bonus, this could be reflected in the appearance/color of the altar)
Comments: 5
12 Nov, '24
Meegan St Denis MergedAdd the ability to craft a Beacon/Waypoint/Flame Alter with any of the regional stone. Example Sandstone in Kindlewaste and Granite in the Mountains.
16 Nov, '24
GM SteelhavenI think this was done to make it a bit harder. Maybe make it a toggle?
1 -
22 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Waypoints made with any regional stone" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Nov, '24
ProughtYes, you won't find stone in the new zone, if there is no stone, the altar should be buildable from other resources
01 Jan
GreenskyeWould also like wood planks to be able to be made via regional wood as well.