Livestock / Animals / Farmable Animals
I would love to see a feature of being able to keep and care for livestock, such as chickens, sheep, or even small fantasy creatures for meat, leather, and eggs. To be used in cooking and crafting.
I can even design some of the concepts for them if you like. I am a somewhat capable artist if you're in need of ideas.
Comments: 84
21 Jan, '24
BriarDesign for builders, having cows in a pen. field, RP purposes, entire farming community, lots of content can be directed towards Livestock with quests and crafting and building. I would love to see a sheep farm!
100+ -
23 Jan, '24
NaxosI like this. Anything that adds purpose to building beyond aesthetics is huge win in my book.
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24 Jan, '24
BrytonIt's a great idea. I love it! There are so many possibilities around farming. Cows, chickens, pigs, horses and other animals.
I use midjourney with the most expensive subscription on it, I can also do prompts to provide you with ideas. -
24 Jan, '24
ShayIf they don’t add this at some point I will be really surprised.
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24 Jan, '24
Narphyeah this would be useful.
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25 Jan, '24
Bluetheres countless areas in towns and homes where farm animals would go in great tbh i was thinking to myself an animal would help make it feel less dead yknow with all the skelly guys everywhere
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25 Jan, '24
MeGaYes, I dont really need tames like in Ark, Palworld etc, but having some animals around is important. Specially now that there are no pve raids, so it would give us more stuff to do in the base. Also adds alot to the atmosphere.
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25 Jan, '24
SlightAdd a new NPC who can introduce new recipes for farming stuff. Would be epic.
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25 Jan, '24
MAL_Raznochinetshonestly the very first thing I did in this game is build me a little base and I've been avoiding the storyline just because I've had so much fun building it. Adding functionality like this would give me loads of extra gameplay hours.
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25 Jan, '24
Apothecary Mergedadd queen bees to hives that are uncommon or rare to drop to add bee keeping to generate honey and wax with the farmer, adding flowers that can be grown and fed to the bees or adding them to the overworld. even adding bee grenades or something of the like
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25 Jan, '24
JesseFood isn't really needed in the game. I like the idea but I think they need to add hunger and thirst. Then add farming plants and livestock. Base building does seem primarily aesthetic currently and will get boring after a while.
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25 Jan, '24
SoloriumMy friend and I just started renovating the Harvest Homestead and it has some perfect structures for farms, and I was disappointed to see we couldn’t at some point domesticate the goats we’ve seen around the fields or anything to make the growing settlement feel more lively. I would love this!
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26 Jan, '24
Darbii RueYES! I desperately want to be able to farm in this game. Please let me farm animals l like chickens, cows, goats, and horses (for mounts). I'd also love to see planting abilities like corn, tomatoes, berry bushes, mushrooms, and more! This game feels like a farming dream, I need it, we want it!
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26 Jan, '24
ElelForgottenBe able to domesticate bees as well.
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26 Jan, '24
brettI think this would be a great idea to add later on, after they have sorted the more pressing issues.
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27 Jan, '24
AmduilThere's already goats and rabbit like creatures in the game that would be perfect for this. Maybe the summoning staff either gets a new feature or an upgrade that allows you to capture certain creatures to then resummon back at your base.
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27 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"beekeeping/apiary" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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27 Jan, '24
Xharyl MergedThere are farms in the world where structures such as stables can be recognised. For example, I love the house with the mud around it, which indicates "pigs". It would be cool to get farm animals for your base, as decoration, but also for materials - similar to Minecraft.
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27 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"Farm Animals" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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27 Jan, '24
Hnex MergedAdd the possibility to tame and raise animals like sheep / chicken / horses.
So we can use horses as Mounts, sheep for wool and everything, chicken for eggs etc etc.
Would be so nice to have acces to the fishing too because it's an essential feature for a survival rpg game.
Thanks for the good game.
Cya. -
27 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"Taming Animals" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
BobbyI agree! I'm looking for a Conan Exiles replacement and not having animals to raise is a big one right now. I'd love to be able to grab babies in the wild and bring them home to raise and tame.
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28 Jan, '24
outtie MergedI think tameable animals like cows, goats, rabbit, chickens, etc would it be a great addition to enshrouded you could tame these animals through What the animal eats or through magic
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28 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"Add tameable animals" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Cody GallLove this! I want to be able to cook more
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29 Jan, '24
AldebaranMaybe allow beastmaster to breed his own animals to fight alongside with him
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29 Jan, '24
David KruppI love this idea! And even better, there are already neutral creatures in the game; the grasslands have goats and rabbit-things, for example, and I just found a crab-shroom thing in the forest last night that was also default neutral? Yellow HP bar. Anyways, a way of catching and raising the creatures for resources? Love the idea. Maybe also gaining a pet, or with larger ones, even a mount? I think it'd be fun as hell to ride around on a crab-shroom's head, poison-sporing enemies.
Oh, and as an extra twist? Have a skill in the tree that would let you tame those beetle things in the Shroud. -
30 Jan, '24
Hannesmore life in the base, together with pets and guards, i would love this for role playing,
and perhaps raids on base by roaming boss mobs :)
Conan Exiles has shown that the idea is possible and fits in nicely.
and it can be done even better :) -
30 Jan, '24
JonThe second day after release I was playing this and I just thought to myself "Man, this game just NEEDS chickens, that'd be awesome." I'm glad others are of the same mind!
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31 Jan, '24
Paul Kocherhanscould be another npc to add as well :D
31 Jan, '24
Metodi MinchevI found in a video today that you can craft yourself a beehive! OwO
01 Feb, '24
ZaraI agree with taming animals and having them with you or at the base, but not breeding/turning it into too much of a farming sim
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02 Feb, '24
Ant MergedCreate a way to farm feathers from birds. Take the bird eggs hatch them into birds and make nests to gather feathers.
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03 Feb, '24
MoriartI hope when adding this feature, Enshrouded really research and learn, be serious to make livestock as a playing feature but not just simply add that, that will be no fun at all.
Such as livestock can generate like fur for clothing; milk, meat for food; bones for building block material or for decoration or nutrition to raise stock and planting(feterised soil) -
03 Feb, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Feather farm" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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04 Feb, '24
AcidQueen90YES! And add base companions like cats, dogs, birds, ferrets(can even be a shoulder mount cause ferrets are absolutely perfect) I would love this so so much
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04 Feb, '24
WolfiLivestock would be absolutely awesome. It would be a great opportunity for new materials to come into the game. Though I think this needs to be balanced very carefully. The materials of the livestock would need to be special so you don't start "staying at home" because it's no longer necessary to hunt for furs etc.
I would love to see a pond with fish and/or ducks, even if it's just for style and without any real use at all. But if you want to use it for material there would be tons of stuff that could be added like fishing, fish trophy for the walls, pillows with duck or goose feathers etc. -
05 Feb, '24
adrunkchromegrlYES...PLEASE! we need a way to mass farm feathers! crafting arrows is currently a huge pain
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05 Feb, '24
ZenniaAnimal husbandry in general is one of my favourite game features, regardless of game genre. Would love to see this added!
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06 Feb, '24
JustinWould love some variety in ways to get food and really get intricate with cooking systems.
06 Feb, '24
Metodi MinchevI can't upvote this enough!
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06 Feb, '24
MortenDarcYes, Taming and breeding. for additional/different ways of getting different materials
06 Feb, '24
TheGrey08This would be another good addition to base gameplay as well as aesthetics.
07 Feb, '24
The Horned Onei would very much apricate having a taming ability for both farming and combat pets like bears and wolves espcialy stacking with beastmaster tree skills it the one game element that this game lack from being perfect
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07 Feb, '24
Michael HartI know it's late game food but the mushroom omelet takes 3 eggs each. It's a great boost to magic based intelligence builds so I was thinking a chicken coop where they lay eggs would be fantastic. Add chicken wire crafting with either iron bars or metal sheets. Chicken coop could easy be done with planks and wire maybe. Taming a goat for goat milk and making a food out of it would be great. Goat cheese or goat milk butter. Give us a reason to go after goats other than killing them for animal fur early on.
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08 Feb, '24
JessI would absolutely LOVE to have animals added to the game, either as companions, mounts or for farming. I love the design of a lot of the animals and would be cool to see what direction they could go in
10 Feb, '24
MikeA chicken house that works like the well. Click on it to harvest feathers and eggs. I need about 50 of these!
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10 Feb, '24
Obi Wan KernobiEggs are very rare at the moment. While you can farm all the ingredients for a dexterity or strength buff easily, getting a full (4) intelligence buff for a wizard is extremely hard because of how rare eggs are dropped. Animal husbandry would solve this - or raising the egg drop rate.
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11 Feb, '24
SejoAnimal taming/rearing to get resources would be terrific. In addition to having farms it'd just be cool to have creatures in your base too that you can name/pet
11 Feb, '24
FreakShowAnimal Husbandry for meat. We could breed the goats already present in game, and add more usefulness to lean meat with cooking.
Could raise chickens for meat and feathers, and fix the issue with feather farming for arrows.
This would also add eggs to the game as another food.
Could also domesticate pigs from boars for more advanced, better type of meat.