Enshrouded feedback board
Please post in English only. Posts and comments in other languages will be removed. Only one idea per suggestion. Laundry lists of suggestions will be removed. Make sure that suggestions are actually actionable!
Here are some things to keep in mind about Enshrouded and this suggestion board:
- PLEASE SEARCH TO SEE IF YOUR IDEA ALREADY EXISTS! Currently, less than 1 out of 10 ideas suggested is actually new! Upvote the existing ideas to make them popular!
- Our first priority is to fix any major issues, crashes, bugs, etc. that might happen when the game releases. First, we want the game to run well for everyone, then we will start expanding the game.
- No promises! Developing games is a complex and time-consuming task. Even seemingly small changes can completely up-end your development plans. The team saying we love your idea does not mean it will happen, or that it will happen soon!
- We make the final call. Getting high votes does not mean we can or will make a suggestion happen. We are listening to suggestions and taking the ones we think will fit the vision we have for Enshrouded.
- Suggestions should be actionable. A ticket should have an achievable end goal. Saying "Make this better" doesn't tell the team what you actually want.
- Don't use this board to report bugs! Bugs should be reported in-game by pressing F1 and picking "Report an issue".
NPCs, Townsfolk, Assistants and related questlines
Please use this thread to post any feedback on NPCs, Townsfolk, Assistants and their related quests.
Pets, farming and taming
Please use this thread to post any feedback on pets, farming and taming.
Progression changes and additions (grapple hook, skill tree expansion, etc.)
Please use this thread to share your feedback about the progression changes and additions, including the grappling hook changes, skill tree expansion, new level cap, ...
General Combat Feedback Thread (Update 4)
We get a fair bit of general combat feedback on here, often multiple suggestions that don't really work as a single actionable ticket. I've made this thread to merge ...
New weather and visual changes
Please use this thread to post your feedback about the new immersive weather (rain and snow storms) and visual changes.
New biome - Albaneve Summits feedback thread
Please use this thread for all your feedback on the Albaneve Summits / mountain biome.
Better Character Creation / Customization
So already starting out in the character creation i know that body sliders etc. are a lot of work so that i obviously something everyone would always like but isn't ...
quick deposit items/loot into nearby chests
While I enjoy the Shift+R function while inside a single chest, it would be nice to press this while being close to multiple chests to immediately stash all the items ...
Building Blueprints / Custom Blueprints
By blueprint, I mean the ability to save custom buildings and reapply them without too much work. This is a feature I would like to see, but not so urgent.
Two main ...
Active worker/gathering NPCs in Enshrouded / NPCs help gather
Villagers could play a more dynamic role, similar to Sons of the Forest. Assign tasks like gathering materials, building/repairing bases, and defending against ...
Torch in offhand
Be able to use a torch in place of a shield so that you can do combat a bit easier at night
These beasts may let you ride around the land of Embervale. They are for those who want a more grounded way to explore or for those who skipped leg day.
name storage boxes / chest naming
being able to add names to storage boxes would be awesome
Add Water
Simple: Add Water to the Game! Its Important
We wanna Build a Cavecity where Water floats in.
Build a nice cozy House at the Lake...
magic chests send materials to hammer (when building) / Build from storage
if have tons of building supplies in my magic chests, however when using the hammer in build mode, is shows i have nothing, i really think magic chests should send ...
Don't auto add to hot bar
Put in a setting that stops stuff like food from being auto added to hot bars or let me lock them so things cant just pop in.
Creative Mode / Console Commands / Admin Roles
A mode, cheat code, or other option to be able to build without resource cost. Additionally having options like fly, no-clip. etc to make doing large scale builds easier
Chest upgrade
Add an option to directly upgrade level of your storage chests, it's kinda feels mid to move everything to inv remove old chest, build new one in place, store everythinh.
Add a quiver to hold arrows
Let's begin with the QUIVER that every archer must have; the quiver serves as an "INVENTORY" for arrows, and in it, you can store all types of arrows available in the ...
Add Arches / Curved Building Pieces - Ornate Arches etc.
This feature would go in with the current shape build options, the idea is to give us the capability to make ornate ceilings with vaults and arcades. My thought is ...
Make cleared Shroud zones permanent
As of now, killing Shroud Roots will only clear shroud in the area temporarily, please add the option to have this cleared permanently.
The story is about ...
More building blocks of different shapes and angles
Players would like to have more building blocks of different shapes and angles to help add more detail to their builds, build off of a 90 degree grid, or smooth out ...
Add Mods / Modding Support
Please add a modding tool kit to the client and server to allow extensions to the game.
Auto collect basic resources and loot
Basically the idea would be to make it where mining rocks, cutting trees, or anything similar automatically stores the items dropped in your inventory
Too many ...
Add In-game Text / Voice Chat
A chat windows is a must have in a multiplayer game.
Base Raids - Optional
Add NPC enemy raids to be toggled on or off when creating a world or even when world is created for players to vote about.
It would be amazing to have signs in the game, maybe it would require 1x Charcoal and 1x Wood Log?
That way you can put signs on the road, or label your chests, ...
Alternate "Close Menu" keybinding for certain menus. Not just "ESC" key.
On PC, if you press the "E" key to interact with a storage chest or the workbench, the only way to close out of this menu is to press the "ESC" key. I think most ...
Open suggestion
Sheath Weapons / Backpack
The ability to stow weapons on your back when out of combat just adds an aesthetic cool factor when running around the world. Or even a item you need to craft Quiver ...
Planting Crops in a Grid (3x3, 4x4, 5x5)
To add an upgraded hoe or better quality (Copper, Bronze or Iron). This would enable players to plant crops in bigger grids instead of planting one seedling at a time ...
Make player homes a safe space from hypothermia in the mountain biome.
As the title states. Being in the mountain biome, inside my home should be safe from hypothermia. It doesn't make sense to be suffering from hypothermia while sitting ...
Regain health while resting or sleeping
At the moment, there is no other way than food, bandage and potion to regain health (magic maybe I didn't explore well that area yet). Those are valuable items that ...
Can you Add Roads and paths to the map as we discover them.
Can you add Roads and Paths to the map. It is very difficult to get to certain locations. I cannot tell you how many times I have circled a cliff area and found no ...
Rebuild and repopulate abandoned villages and cities
While on the mission to cure the world, it would be fantastic also to repair the destroyed villages, revive them, and restore them to their former glory. Maybe by ...
Allow more existing world props, decorations and materials to be placed and crafted
There's so many cool props in the world, like wood planks, wood stairs, tall windows and many other decorations that can't be built and placed. I'd love to see those ...
Roaming Boss / Mini Boss
Bosses that roam a set path in each area. Unique to each area and preferably not reused models, or at least differ in ways they attack or fight with a similar model ...
Add First Person Camera
I very much prefer first person games, even if they are not shooters, as do many other gamers (a 1st person mod is usually one of the first to be released for third ...
The ability to place some basic inventory items, like cooked food, as decorative items
Please can you make it so inventory items can be placed as decoration when using the building hammer.
I want to put food on the table, potions on shelves etc. ...
save talent tree loadouts
with the large variety of skills and builds to make it would be nice to have something to save your current skill tree. having like 5-10 saves maybe to keep your ...
Add Climbing
Legend of Zelda style climbing system where you can just climb most surfaces not just predeffined assets.
Add option to drop items on the ground
If an option is added to drop items then it becomes easier to give items to friends and allows the player to re access items without deleting them if they dont have ...
Add Minimap
A Minimap that can track players etc, make it easier to stay grouped or see where they are
Add Transparent blocks, such as glass
Common player request, players would like decorative building blocks that are partially or fully transparent, like glass, stained-glass, or other materials that let ...
Add Fishing
Would be really nice to be able to relax and fish in this game, with the addition of being able to add a pond near your base to fish different variants of fish ...
Allow character customization / edits after creation
We can change character name from the main menu, please allow an option to change the rest of customization too. In some other games (like Elden Ring) one of the ...
Open suggestion
Autorun / autowalk
Add auto run. Toggle for run/walk and toggle for sprint.
Add Necromancy
Just like it says. Summon skeletons, corpses ect.
Salvage crafted items
We need an option to salvage previously crafted items that are now taking up inventory space. Deleting them feels like a waste.
Upgrade, replace, or swap blocks / building material
Tickets merged and edited by Toast:
It would be nice to be able to convert existing blocks into another block of a different type, for example replacing wood with ...