Improve Loot - RNG Loot / Better Loot Tables
Bosses should drop all different kinds/rarity not just the same 3 weps. same as items like chest and treasure chests should have a % chance at higher rarity items dropping from them. You should have a chance at getting a leggo not a 100% chance so u have to go back and try for better again. If you dig/tunnel/blow something up and find a treasure chest there should be a chance it has some crazy amazing item in it that isnt a bandage or some arrowheads lol not 100% drop chance maybe something like 1-3% chance at finding a really good leggo from hidden treasure chests only so it makes u wanna look for the possible unknown out there in the open world.
Comments: 64
21 Jan, '24
Vanolia Rabenauge MergedMore diversity in treasures, like coins, gems, weaponry and such. Not only Trophys.
We need something to show how many adventures we've had, how many dungeons we've cleared, something to show that we're really willing to build a new kingdom! And that we are the one who will be the undisputed King in this New Land. Who doesn't like luxuriating in the wealth they've accumulated? -
26 Jan, '24
Marius MergedDungeon loot rewards and the loot itself are both very underwhelming.
So, you run through, let's say a dungeon; You run around for 20 minutes finding all the buttons to unlock doors and such, you finally get to the reward, a real juicy looking chest or whatever, what's inside? Two bombs. Or some white or green wand.. It really doesn't feel like doing all of that was worth it in the slightest, this is the brief version.
My second issue is that items are boring. You could make special or legendary items have special effects or something cool like that. Maybe you could find a burning sword that radiates a scorching hot aura (You're flameborn, so fire res would make sense - it's lore friendly).
Maybe we could find boots that gives an additional jump, makes you blink instead of dodging.
It doesn't have to be items like these specifically but these would be items that would excite me. Another mace with 5 more damage doesn't excite me, just makes it all feel samey. -
28 Jan, '24
Brill MergedNeeds better loot tables for the monsters with a lot more variety of weapons (types are fine as is).
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28 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin"Itemization Enhancement" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Rei MergedNeed more way more loot types and not just higher tires of same armour/weapons etc , that can be dropped by enemies and found in chests. Finding loot should be exciting and more unpredictable
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28 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"More diversity in treasures, like coins, gems, weaponry and such. Not only Trophys." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-21), including upvotes (310) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Jan, '24
Sponge MergedLoot should be randomized and not farmable by just going back to the same place on another server or reset.
Finding something special or that you don't have should be epic. Not, oh just go there and get it. -
29 Jan, '24
Alexander MergedSuggesting to add some more color into some of the loot to make it easier to see the difference. Several of the different loots have more or less the same colorations. Example often picking up Logs when it looks like a metal shards etc.
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29 Jan, '24
Jeff MergedI personally feel like the Rarity and Level system bloats the weapons and game experience a lot, and also provides a less than satisfactory rewards system.
Currently, finding grey items in a gold chest that are just better than my present legendary feels like garbage, and makes finding new weapons dull because I'm just going to replace them.
In my opinion, overhaul the item system into just Rarity. Get rid of weapon levels, have damage be based on the player attribute + Skill enhancements + weapon rarity, and have the weapon modifications be something that players can invest in for different prices using runes, but the slots available depend on item rarity and the cost of weapon mods could be based on their utility/practicality.
I feel like it would make moments like finding the sword of the Blacksmith's daughter way more exciting, and would allow the item to level up with the player rather than against the player, and would allow for a more rich experience going through the -
29 Jan, '24
IrinicusPlease add variety in the chests and possibly make it random each time it’s looted. It is very disheartening to loot many chests and get the same type of item: Executioners Axe, bows, staves, etc. Also, make chests contain more loot depending on the type of chest. For example, a wood chest contain common items including food, materials of all sorts, and not just weapons and armor. Silver and gold chests contain better loot. I remember looting a gold chest and got one ring of Stamina, that’s it. How disappointing that was.
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30 Jan, '24
SummanisThis but with MMO loot. Maybe one of those Provisional Scythes has a suffix and rarity like "of the Cheetah" which is green and gives a stat boost that you don't have to spend runes on.
New World did this with crafting too and it was one of my favorite mechanics because it gave meaning to the awkward grind of "I needed 10 of these to craft X but I farmed 100 because I didn't want to have to do it again." Now your gambling addicted zoomie brain can roll the crafting pool 10 times to try to get an item that is 5% better.
If I can request something specific it would be that the number of variations be so huge that it becomes impractical to roll them all. If there are 30 different entries on the loot table, many people will roll it 15-60 times until they have the perfect gear combo for their build, but if there are 1000 different entries on the loot table, you roll a few times and take what you get. Maybe "of the Cheetah" picks the stats that get boosted and the magnitude is randomized. -
30 Jan, '24
ImrathLoot in general is very boring atm. I love going out into the wilderness and discovering POIs but then everytime I loot them I only get the same basic crafting materials or a weapon I already found a dozen times. The "final" chest in a dungeon or a POI should not be some boring, random loot. Instead it would be great if you hand placed some unique items in these chests to make it feel like the player is rewarded for discovering these places and leaves the POI satisfied. For these items I'd recommend unique stuff that can not be found elsewhere or be crafted, so that the hunt for these chests is always worthwile and rewarding. I am thinking of blueprints for furniture, seeds for special plants or trees, potions that give like +1 skill point or a buff that revives the player if he dies, pets or eggs that hatch into pets, cosmetic stuff like a cloak, unique armors, trinkets and weapons with interesting effects, a map of mines or ressources in the area, etc. Just useful or fun things.
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30 Jan, '24
Mark Merged100% agree. My vision is bad. Trying to distinguish the small brown pile of brown things from the pile of small brown things from the small brown things pile is incredibly difficult. Adding a colored icon to the hotkey/button pop-up would be a huge win.
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30 Jan, '24
Telabor MergedRestoring chests over time, rather than restarting the world, kills the desire to run around looking for chests with good weapons, when you can re-enter the world and loot good weapons as much as you want
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30 Jan, '24
HighItGuy MergedGetting armor and weapons from chests feels not good, as it incentivizes doing "Chest Runs" instead of actively playing the game to get loot.
My suggestion is to move weapons/armors to be dropped (excluding quest-specific things like the Pike armor) exclusively by enemies, with bosses being the primary source of any "Epic/Legendary" gear drops.
Then chests should provide Consumables, Raw & Refined materials (area-specific, i.e., no iron bars in chests before the desert), Building Blocks, and possibly decoration items (placeable books/dishes/etc...).
This would make chests still feel good to open and still rewards exploration to find them, while at the same time pushing combat upgrades (gear) to the combat activities (killing bosses).
Reddit thread for full write-up: -
31 Jan, '24
Cord GrahamYes. Please break the cycle of WoW stat sticks. When I upgrade a weapon I don't just want 5% more crit and 20% more crit damage. I want elden ring style gear. Like Swords that shoot lasers and shields with built in flame throwers.
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31 Jan, '24
Dylan Hoke MergedGold chests should be the only chests in the game that give you something appropriate for your level or higher at 25 because they are fewer and RNG is a nightmare. I rolled 30 wands and 15 melee weapons before scoring my first bow...Plus there is NO reason to visit older content if the legendary glowing boxes drop a hunk a junk.
31 Jan, '24
Mike MergedGetting into a higher level area, with shroud enemies who can one shot me, it feels bad killing them to get one spore and a torn cloth. It might be better to have stronger variations of these enemies with different drops as we progress.
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01 Feb, '24
destren MergedThere is an overabundance of common loot that drives the player to skip fights/loot entirely when traveling through an area. I get the idea of not wanting empty bodies and no reward for effort, but leaving corpses because you know they are worthless also feels bad.
Every potential mob should give you a slight sense of FOMO/opportunity cost if you decide to skip it for time's sake.
Critter parts/shroud spores/bones/torn cloth. There's too much of it.
Add a very small chance for a random drop (that maybe doesn't make sense for the mob dropping it? I don't know.) that incentivizes wanting to kill a "trash mob" for the chance you'll get something special.
Or create a way to process all the crazy amounts of common stuff into something usable/exchangeable towards things you do need.
Merchants/currency perhaps. -
01 Feb, '24
Kain MergedCurrently, every chest has percent-based loot tables that increase the chance for higher-quality loot the rarer the chest type. In theory, this allows for the possibility of finding a Rare, Epic or Legendary piece of loot from a low quality chest, which is definitely an endorphin rush.
However, it also means the possibility of finding common gear in diamond-gilded gold chests. Which, even if chest-farming, just feels awful.
Instead, chest type should directly equate to the rarity of loot contained within. Regular chests should contain Common loot with the possibilty of finding Uncommon and above, Silver chests should contain Uncommon loot with the possibility of Rare and above, Gilded Silver chests should contain Rare loot with the possibility of Epic and above, Gold chests should contain Epic loot with the possibility of Legendary loot, and Diamond-gilded Gold chests should exclusively contain Legendary gear. -
01 Feb, '24
nerevarthe entire rng loot system needs to be removed. people shouldnt want more of it. it fully invalidates the current detailed crafting system as awhole. people are not realizeing how stupid this is.
chest runs will become the meta for loot very quickly. the rng pool is far too massive. without doing chest resets youll never get what you want.
to fix this mess remove all items from the rng table.
replace them with rare crafting materials but not like 300 of em. instead make it like 50 or so. make bosses drop more 3 instead of 1 to encourage boss runs over chest runs. use these materials to create complex crafting recipes for makeing the actual cool stuff. not like now where you loot ornate chest 100 times and get every single equipment piece aside tools from it.
the current system is silly and defeats all point of exploration. as resetting an epic chest is way better than actually playing the game. i really the devs redesign this system completely. its bad. -
02 Feb, '24
cassandra112Indeed. this is one of the games biggest issues atm. Loot imho needs to operate much more like loot in Terraria. We need some more biome and location specific gear. rare loot drop tables, etc. That visually and thematically ties to its location.
There is nothing more disappointing then finding some secret crypt, after mining a wall/rubble doing its puzzles then finding a single common level 10 axe to salvage.
There is even things in the game already that do a much better job at this. ONCE while opening a chest I found a placeable deco lantern. once. more of that. Have chests contain railings, blocks, lights, seeds, bookshelves etc for the type of location they were found. Iron, tin, dried fur, leather, etc. any drops that can reduce crafting timers is great.
Arrows, potions, explosives, magic spells. These should be significantly more frequent drops in chests, enemies and smashing pots. especially arrows. archer players should basically never have to craft basic arrows. -
04 Feb, '24
Daniel, Lucas e Gustavo Mergedi) Revise the drops from monsters and bosses across the map. During gameplay, we've found that it's often more rewarding to break objects at the Obelisk than to defeat and loot monsters. Monster drops tend to be predictable and of little significance.
ii) Rare items and resources should be challenging to craft or obtain from strong monsters. Allowing easy access to late-game items by simply rolling a chest in an unprotected and random location greatly simplifies the process, thereby reducing the excitement and devaluing the sense of achievement derived from overcoming difficulty or investing time. -
05 Feb, '24
SarcoptesHow about loots for everyone in the party at raid. There is only 1 of 2 items that the one person who pick it up first get all. How about loots for everyone in same party? We have to run the same raid 4 times to get 4 different ghost gliders.
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06 Feb, '24
TheGrey08More variance in loot, loot tables, etc would elevate the game quite a bit. The game is off to a great start for an early access, but definitely want to see more weapons, more types, more variance down the road.
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08 Feb, '24
arajajaAs someone else already mentioned here the loot system should be completely redesigned. Placing an Altar next to gold chest and then just reset the chest over and over shouldnt be the best way to acquire the best loot in the game.
The best loot in the game should be crafted with materials you find in the world.
Maybe add a new NPC that lets us enchant our gear and introduce a new material type like gemstones. Then let us craft basic Bronze, Iron, Obsidian weapons at the blacksmith which we can then enchant with the new enchanting system. Same for Armor. We should craft the base piece and then enchant it with desired stats ourselves. Basically craft your fashion and then enchant with stats you like. -
09 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Improving Drops and Looting" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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11 Feb, '24
FinalFantasyNope, the best way to find best equipment should be ONLY to loot it, but not being able to craft it.
"locking" it behind crafting would make it either way to easy or require to find some special ressource to craft it, what makes it essenitaly the same as finding the equipment itself directly.
Top gear loot should be locked behind fighting bosses.
Surprise, that's how it's done since centuries. Starting from Diablo 1 from 1996. Maybe from other games even earlier. And they were absolutely right doing it this way.
Of course it's not feasible if you can spamloot just a chest by placing a flame altar. That's why it should be boss drops ONLY!
If you want good gear, you should at least do something for it. -
12 Feb, '24
Ernesto RussolilloDear Sirs,
when i kill an NPC whit the arrows, it will be usefully to find a part of the arrows into the loot of NPC.
Dragone67, Dragoners67 on Twitch aka Ernesto -
18 Feb, '24
ScribeI think they should make region specific loot, such as Helix has a higher drop chance in certain areas but no drop chance in other areas, same for other powerful weapons such as the long bow, etc. Also increase the chance for legendries over epics, I've gotten 5 epic Helixes, I just want a legendary pls.
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19 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin Merged"Restoring loot in chests over time" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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19 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"More loot type drops and not just higher tiers of same loot type" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (7) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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19 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Randomized Loot" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (9) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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19 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Useless Loot" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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19 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Loot differentiations" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Feb, '24
SyrenstombI would like to see Loot change with mob level. I can kill a level 30 shroud monkey and get the same trash as I get from a level 1 shroud monkey. Wiping out a small army of level 30 scavengers just to end up with a metric ton of scrap metal and some eggs just defeats the purpose and enjoyment of playing the higher end of the map.
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09 Mar, '24
NickI also think gold/silver chests should be per player so everyone has a chance to get something good at the end of a dungeon. Right now the system creates unnecessary tension even between close friends worrying about who gets the loot.
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16 Mar, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Enemies should have loot progression as they get harder." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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21 Mar, '24
LifeisReal Admin Merged"Gold Chest Loot Scaling" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Mar, '24
HannibalYou should really adopt a system like in diablo or last epoch or the good old mmorpgs. Weapons and armor should have different, random stats defined by a value range. The same weapon could do between 40 and 50 damage, have random fire or ice damage, etc. and different random enchantments for each loot. With a name that would be unique to it based on its attributes. Blood-drinking fire sword (fire + hp leech), invigorating ice mace (ice + stamina buff), etc. It would make the farming and leveling system much more immersive. Allow basic mobs to drop this type of weapon with a higher % for stronger mobs and bosses obviously.
As it stands, all my companions have the same weapon/armor as me, which is a bit disappointing. -
07 Apr, '24
JoshI agree with Mike and LifeisReal, it is very annoying that the same loot is dropped by a level 1 enemy as by a level 10 or level 20 enemy of the same type.
10 Apr, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Chest Loot Rebalance" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-30), including upvotes (3) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Apr, '24
Toast Admin"Chest Rarity Should Be Fixed/Set" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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04 May, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Weapon System Overhaul" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 May, '24
Brandon B. MergedKeep in mind, this is a suggestion after 100+ hours in the game. I feel like the loot is not good. In a lvl 30 area you shouldn't really be getting bad drops. I'm sure its based off a loot table, percentage, etc. but it definitely needs work. I did read over your future plans which I'm overall happy with. I really hope you open up the other half of the map and drop some serious content. Its a great feeling game, great building, just overall lacking content for the true survivor players. I understand its still a work in progress, I just don't want to see what most do... and not address the issues, or lack of content soon enough. It kind of punishes the people that give you a shot early on and give a lot of critical info. It just feels like you get burned a lot for it. Just my constructive criticism, from someone that wants this game to thrive. Overall, some great improvements in survival thats never been done. The one building block, overall building setup. KUDOS, great idea, execution
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31 May, '24
Toast Admin Merged"Make looting worth it." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 May, '24
Toast Admin"Make loot more fun" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-26), including upvotes (8) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jun, '24
Toast II the real Toast not the Admin oneBosses should scale with your own level after the first defeat. Or with the strongest player. Etc.
The minions also in the boss arenas. (e.g. the shamans for the boss Vukah Brawler)
The loot level should also scale + - 1..2 levels.
Then the boss fights are definitely worth replaying due to the challenge and the better loot. -
14 Jun, '24
Dhrekkin MergedGetting the same loot from a level 30 mob that you do from a level three seems a bit unrewarding. Leveling loot tables would be far more satisfying
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01 Jul, '24
Vulkah MergedFighting things isn’t worth it, you use your weapon durability and waste arrows/spells to get water and a piece of metal scrap? Could you please add armor drops or something that makes it actually worth it to fight cause right now there is no point. Like in any other RPG that you always have a chance to get something cool or useful they don’t have that here.