Improve Loot - RNG Loot / Better Loot Tables

1.7K votes

Bosses should drop all different kinds/rarity not just the same 3 weps. same as items like chest and treasure chests should have a % chance at higher rarity items dropping from them. You should have a chance at getting a leggo not a 100% chance so u have to go back and try for better again. If you dig/tunnel/blow something up and find a treasure chest there should be a chance it has some crazy amazing item in it that isnt a bandage or some arrowheads lol not 100% drop chance maybe something like 1-3% chance at finding a really good leggo from hidden treasure chests only so it makes u wanna look for the possible unknown out there in the open world.

Open suggestion Balance change Feature improvement Suggested by: Bigghugz Upvoted: today Comments: 64

Comments: 64