Instanced Dungeons

3.7K votes

I'd love to have instanced dungeons similar to games like WoW, Conan Exiles etc. that are balanced for being a group of players (personal opinion 3-5 players) with mobs and bosses that offer unique loot like weapons, armors, recipes and all the other obvious stuff. Have these dungeons reset after certain amount of time after being fully cleared or left alone. Also scale with levels and offer loot according to level of difficulty. But most importantly, have bosses with cool unique mechanics that offer a challenge to defeat with friends :) <3

I know the game already has outdoor dungeons, but I'd love to have instanced dungeons too. It just has a completly different feeling going into a dungeon like in many games. Also outdoor dungeons with terraforming and no player limitations can be cheesed very easily.

Done Feature or content Suggested by: Wuzyx Upvoted: 14 May Comments: 65

Comments: 65