name storage boxes / chest naming
being able to add names to storage boxes would be awesome
Comments: 34
26 Jan, '24
Krystal+1 especially with really small storage space (only 2 rows?? please add more, the backpack has more than a storage chest!), storage organization is really tricky in its current state
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26 Jan, '24
AstalphI agree. I don't know how this isn't being noticed and voted on by more people. It would be extremely helpful if we could name our storage chests with labels such as, "Metal, Wood, Potions, Weapons, Armor, Mats, etc.."
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28 Jan, '24
Mr_SolonI agree with previous comments. It would be tremendous to be able to name our storage!
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28 Jan, '24
AvatarAll we'd need is to have the chest name appear in text when we hover our cursor over it, along with the tooltip that says press E to open or whatever. Signs would be nice of course, but this would do the job and should be an easier implementation.
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30 Jan, '24
Hannesi think there are 2 similar requests here: named chests and signs
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30 Jan, '24
JudaspriesterWell, I've unlocked magic boxes with up to 4 rows until now. Still it would be great to name them, so that's easier to sort them.
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30 Jan, '24
Sidiana MergedIn a joined play settings it would be really helpful if storage could be a little better organized. Naming storage and may be allowing only certain types of items to be deposited (like for example veggies, or cloth, or armor and similar criteria) and a way to reserve certain storage only for a single player would make things a lot easier.
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31 Jan, '24
WilTo be fair to Keen here, two issues - though in the end I wouldn't object to visible names on storage boxes. The could even make that an upgrade option from the carpenter. Or maybe better from the huntress as we're always having to ask our wives where stuff is anyway!
1) When you face a chest they've already given you a flyout of the first three items in there, so if one has his items organized (according to his own brain's inner workings) you aren't going to be clued in any more with whatever small # of characters they could graphically represent on the darn thing in the first place.
2. Size - yes the tiny chests only have two rows - the character is just starting out, and it only requires twigs and string to make. I mean it's not like you can build something like an overseas shipping container from twigs and string, LOL! -
04 Feb, '24
SwimlanesThis should be merged into the already existing thread:
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09 Mar, '24
Aonyx Admin"named storage and differentiation between shared and not shared storage" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
17 Mar, '24
noAymi agree definitively in labeling. Optional for labeling storage boxes, players should be able to put an icon/graphic on them (wood, iron, weapons, metall, seeds, plants ... . )
16 May, '24
Jasper2077I like organizing and part of it is labels that are currently missing.
They could be added to the chests or they could be signs that we could place next to the chests.
We could use signs in other places too, like labeling rooms. -
29 Jun, '24
FiveTomato Mergedi think if storage have title it should be great
21 Jul, '24
SchaydeA feature I've seen in other games is a floating tool tip when you approach the chest that lets you see the three most common items in that chest.
Another great QoL feature I've seen is an "Add to Stacks" button that transfers items from your inventory to the box, if there's already a stack of that item in the box. (Example: I have copper ore in my inventory. There's copper ore in the box. All of my copper ore in my inventory get's transferred to the box.) Anything that makes inventory management easier in a game like this is a blessing. -
23 Jul, '24
Dr. SpagettiThis is probably the most important update that needs to be made to an amazing game.
30 Jul, '24
Adris MergedTo be able assign "themes" of items to the chests and to be able to see it quickly without looking inside to know the content.
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22 Aug, '24
NoqueAn "add to stacks" option would really help, but also my favorite feature from My Time In Portia: tabbed storage browsing. Accessing one storage box allows you to tab to all of them, which makes it much easier to manage inventory, and also base-building (like being able to make a storage-room with tightly packed bins, without having to worry about difficulties targeting the right one)
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24 Aug, '24
Mirrorissor a giant cabinet that hold mats and links to everything in altar space, so i don't have to constantly pull mats for every random item i craft
14 Sep, '24
MatthewI want name plates to place in areas. I dont wanna name the box I want to see the name on the literal box I'd rather a stand alone item
01 Oct, '24
AquaFew cents from me:
- Using coal/metal/shroud liquid to name boxes would make it more realistic.
- Please don't make it so fancy/configurable.
- Add to stacks would be great. -
29 Oct, '24
Spoder Admin"storage title" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-06-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Oct, '24
Spoder Admin"Adding custom names/titles to be displayed above the chests" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-07-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Nov, '24
BluSleeper MergedShort Description for Containers pls! Would also be nice to see some visible signages you can write on like a whiteboard. Words like Potions, Gems, Wait Here, etc custom so the signages are more interactive.
08 Nov, '24
MatthewI want a simple sign. outside the box with a name. i want people to see it and be able to add it to the box and not be a freaking big deal.
instead I just have boxes where I sort everything because its to much for so many people. they hate not having signs. i do to -
08 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Chest / Container Naming" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Nov, '24
pdarwin25Currently the player sees only 3 of 56 (maximum) cells when approaching a chest to open it. The chest is sorted left to right, and then top to bottom. if the player places 3 different items at top left, an idea of what is in the chest can be hinted at. However, if the player does a sort of the items in the chest to consolidate, you lose what 3 items were at top left. To improve player efficiency in finding one chest among many, we need some option to reduce time spent searching every chest when looking for something.
Two options:
1. Allow chest labeling as an option to each world, which the player would need to allow.
2. If not using chest labeling - perhaps you could alter how it sorts the chest. Use top to bottom, left to right sorting. Also, rather than showing only the top 3 blocks, left to right; show the first three rows top to bottom, left to right. This could help us better identify what each chest contains.
You guys are doing a super job. Thanks for hearing our opinions. -
16 Nov, '24
CynoNot sure if this is the place or if anyone will even see this but: maybe to easily identify boxes we could have different "skins" for them too down the line so not everything looks like a glowing blue box.
I'd love if I could have magic storage box that function as them, but actually look like, for example:
- barrels with vegetables in it
- a crate filled with arrows
- a shelf with potions
- wood pallet with metal ingots -
28 Nov, '24
MatthewI just want signs. LITERALLY just signs. seeing a name from the outside is the goal for easy sorting.
right now? iv got a dump box for friends who play with me. I have a box for every type of material. just because i have a photogenic memory doesnt mean many are blessed by it. just a simple freaking sign would be amazing. -
29 Nov, '24
UnnamedNot just to boxes. But notice boards, and road signs. If I can't chat with people,let me slap my discord on a tavern sign of something. 🤣
07 Dec, '24
Rachel MergedMy sister won't stop complaining about not being able to figure out what goes where and in what box. you can only preview some items but you have to go through all of them to find out what is in where. for organizational purposes.
07 Dec, '24
CoolUsernameBro Admin"labeling boxes" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-12-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Jan
GreenskyeGoing to also add improvements to the preview tooltip. It currently shows the first 3 cells, but if you sort the chest, this is likely to just be repeats of the same items. I'd suggest the tooltip show the first 3 unique items in the chest and ignores extra stacks to make this more useful.
I'd also suggest the number of unique items be a configuration that can be set based on player preference, so I could show 5 or even 10 preview items instead of just 3 if I wanted to. -
10 Jan
Stormthe best way to handle the "label/sign" for storage is to use something like the custom map icons. then you get a sub-menu that says "designate". the icon goes on the door of the box. that way you don't have to look inside, everyone can identify the contents by icons. That coding is in the game already, it just needs to be applicable to the storage containers as well as the map. It's far easier to work with something that's already available.
13 Jan
MaddyFor the love of God - YES! I have so many chests and I don't know what's inside. Naming it will help a lot!