Immersion / decor interaction
The comfort items that are decorative could be interactable, keeping the player immersed in the world. As the option 'Pick up' should only show if in build mode.
Comments: 62
24 Jan, '24
Nanna MergedWould be nice to be able to sit on the chairs around the table.
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24 Jan, '24
Mathias Engøy Johansen MergedIt would be good to be able to sit on chairs and benches.
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25 Jan, '24
Riorgan MergedAdd interactions to props. For example : Sit on chairs, turn lights off/on, etc.
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25 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Interactive props" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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25 Jan, '24
Vos MergedBeing able to sit on chairs and benches you made, not being pure decorative
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25 Jan, '24
CoolUsernameBro Admin Merged"Being able to sit on the chairs." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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25 Jan, '24
CoolUsernameBro Admin Merged"Able to sit on chairs, benches etc," (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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25 Jan, '24
MAL_Raznochinets MergedWould also like this dynamic - honestly a relaxing thing for me as a player is when I have my mini base set up and for the character to be relaxing on the bed or something. Sitting down on a chair, bench, or just having that animation to sit and rest would be a great addition to my gameplay experience.
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26 Jan, '24
Wesly Mitten Mergedallow chair sitting for rest?
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26 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin Merged"sitting in CHAIRS. we can craft them but can't use them." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-26), including upvotes (0) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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26 Jan, '24
Art3mess MergedProposal for Interactive furniture in Enshrouded
Objective: To add depth to bases and living by interacting with furniture rather than them being "props"
Rationale: Spending an enormous amount of hours on the perfect base is great, and staging it with an array of props makes it feel cozy like home, but what then? You can't exactly sit down to eat at the table, or take a bath in your new kingdom. Adding animations for using the props would add significant depth to the game and purpose to the "living" in the base builds. -
27 Jan, '24
Xharyl MergedSince chairs e.g. chairs and benches are offered in the game, an interaction with them (sitting) would be very good. for roleplayers and screenshot fanatics :)
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27 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Interaction with furniture" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Interactive furniture" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Jan, '24
Josh Mundy MergedBasically you should just be able sit down on chairs and benches. Or generally more interact options with the decorations you an make.
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27 Jan, '24
Daedelise MergedThat would be awesome with 16 people on a server in a tavern of some kind just drinking and cutting up.
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27 Jan, '24
Daedelise MergedThis is just a fun thread but someone posted to add being able to sit in chairs and i wanted to put in for drinking. It would be fun to be able to be able to sit in chairs at a tavern and drink with others on the server.
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27 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"You should be able to interact with furniture" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Jan, '24
Joes Momma MergedCurrently as it stands you can only sit on the ground or on top of furniture items. It might seem silly but people should be able to properly sit on chairs or on benches and sit at tables. Other furniture items in general should have some type of intractability from the player which would overall boost immersion.
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28 Jan, '24
GrumpySundered MergedHave chairs and benches be like beds, can actually sit on them and regain rest time. no use having chairs around a fireplace if you can't actually sit on them.
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28 Jan, '24
Bobby MergedI agree. Not just chairs and benches though. Any decoration that looks like you can interact with it should be interactive including things like nightstands, tables, chairs, etc. And as Daedelise said, a group at a tavern you built, listening to music, (bard npc?), a fire burning, drinking ale, dancing, playing dice, celebrating a big Boss win, think about it!
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28 Jan, '24
marcos Merged"It would be fantastic to incorporate new animations that seamlessly interact with the environment, such as the ability to sit in a chair or engage with various decorations. Additionally, expanding the range of available decorations would enhance the overall interactive experience.
28 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin Merged"Usable furniture items" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin Merged"Drinking in groups" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Avatar MergedYou can press X to sit down in a chair (or on the floor) and clip through it, which is funny, and makes this feature request much, much lower priority than other suggestions here.
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29 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Furniture you can actually use and not decoration" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (2) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Jan, '24
Jason MergedI think it would be great if we could sit at a table in chairs and when doing so and eating we get longer buffs to the food we eat.
30 Jan, '24
Vantus MergedThe collective, disappointed "Awwwwww...." me and my friends all made when we placed down a bench around the fire and discovered we couldn't interact with it...
Please add this! I know it seems like low-hanging fruit but immersion is such an important thing with games like Enshrouded, especially since building a home with furniture is one of its top features. -
30 Jan, '24
David Mergedallow furniture other options to use them other than pick up. like, sit on the chairs. the end tables use as a couple of slot storage and so on. Awesome game BTW
30 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Furnature" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 Jan, '24
Marco MergedIt could be also a game mechanic. So if you sit on a chair or bench, the relaxed state is reached faster compared to sitting on the ground.
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31 Jan, '24
JigSaWTFak MergedI would love to interact with my chairs and tables :D
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01 Feb, '24
Jay Mergedyes, I need an open to sit on the toilet I built. this is a must!
I can't do my deed while standing. -
01 Feb, '24
Fyn MergedJust adding that I think it would be great if you could sit on your chairs and benches :)
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02 Feb, '24
XashBE MergedFully agree, would add a lot of atmosphere to the game.
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02 Feb, '24
Kai MergedSitting in chairs would be handy if there is a feasting mechanism to buff your party at the table with a ton of food.
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05 Feb, '24
MightyWrath MergedI love to sit on things and stuff.. and this would let me sit on things and stuff! Thanks! :D
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10 Feb, '24
Repo MergedYes, Sitting in chairs should be a thing. Also, The throne chairs should be bigger, I built a fairly large castle with a throne room and when I put down the throne chairs they looked so small that it took away from the effect I was looking for. OH and get the smoke out of my house. When I have chimneys and ventilation I should not have smoke :(
Loving the game regardless, Thanks! -
12 Feb, '24
Maddy MergedIt drives me crazy when there is no sit on chair emote. Like a human sat in a chair at a desk, drawing a chair, then virtually building a chair, likely thought about said chair for days, tossed several models of the chair, then put the chair in the game, someone decided how many pieces of wood or copper the chair would need to be built...and but no one made the animation to use it? Even the corpses sit in chairs lol please let my girl sit down. She's out there day and night restoring the world.
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12 Feb, '24
Rainbow Pheanix MergedWeird enough this isnt in the game yet. I guess its a small team, and jeah i cant say they put their priorities wrong. What is there, is great. Oh, and whats with the thing that characters change direction before sitting down (by pressing x)? i noticed it on matrasses and chests.
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14 Feb, '24
Kokudar MergedI would like a toggle for our bases that controls whether or not we pick up items. It would be nice to toggle off picking up items while walking around my base so I stop accidentally ruining my aesthetics.
15 Feb, '24
Сергей MergedPlease add the "Walk" mode to the key. So that you can WALK and not run.
Well, optimize the game. Even on powerful PCs FPS 30-40. -
17 Feb, '24
CNOJAgreed. There's no reason I should be given the option to remove something if I am not in a building mode. It just complicates things by adding the ability to accidentally remove items.
19 Feb, '24
Whubbl.e Mergeda small but lovely addition. This would definitely add to the immersion. That being said, I absolutely love the sitting-on-the-floor animation though
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20 Feb, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Eating in chairs" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Feb, '24
Sat MergedThis is certainly something I wished to have while playing. Sit with a buddy or a lone and enjoy the view while waiting for the dawn etc
21 Feb, '24
Modern Bob MergedIt's rather useless I know but it also can add to immersion, so I vote yes on sitting on chairs :)
23 Feb, '24
Jos Vroon aka Grumpy-Granddad MergedI agree on this post.
For now you simply create a small room. Smack all furniture in there for the upgrade of the comfort level and close the door.
There useless in any other way.
Having said that I would realy like to see that sleeping restores health and such. Now it only speeds up the night.
Food? useless unless you wanna have a buff.
You never get hungry. you only drain stamina when running or flying to long but that is gone withing seconds when you stop running or flying. -
25 Feb, '24
QTtotheT MergedI love the idea to sit und the chairs and benches. But I would love the feature to sit und ledges with your legs dangling. For example sitting on a cliff, table or a fence
25 Feb, '24
alisson MergedIt would be great to be able to use the closets as trunks in your house, sit on the chairs and some other animations like dancing, angry, happy, etc... it would give a roley play touch to the game and would add more meaning to the furniture in the house. house... I have a toilet and I can't use it, that makes me sad