Chest upgrade
Add an option to directly upgrade level of your storage chests, it's kinda feels mid to move everything to inv remove old chest, build new one in place, store everythinh.
Comments: 35
27 Jan, '24
tilight“Indeed, I find the item storage in this game to be very inconvenient when I play. For example, the boxes are too small, or because there is no marker in the center of the screen, it’s hard for me to accurately select the box I want when multiple boxes are placed together.”
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27 Jan, '24
KizmarI was just about to post about the same thing. The Small Magic Chest upgrade could be an item you craft and apply to an existing chest in place. It actually would make sense given that you are technically upgrading the chest anyway. Could have a cool little animation as you apply it to a chest that's sitting there.
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27 Jan, '24
WesirIt would also be great if we could just upgrade the ones we have to be magic since the magic version just requires adding some shroud cores to the existing ones
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29 Jan, '24
KenTo add to this.. Old chests and furnaces etc can't be salvaged. So they should either be deleted or stored or used elsewhere. It would be nice to salvage smaller chests, old furnaces and etc so it won't feel wasted.
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29 Jan, '24
Andrew Chapman MergedOnce placed the storage unit should be upgradable, as each new storage size just adds one row to the equation. It should be an option to make it a magical storage unit if needed. Otherwise, you have to unpack the storage with the items all ready in it. Then pick up the old storage unit, place the new storage unit then repopulate it with the stuff you just took out. Seems a load of faff. So, just have the storage unit to be able to be upgraded as an option and you either have the items on you to do that or its pull from magical storage units.
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29 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Storage Upgradable" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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30 Jan, '24
KeragiThat would be really good! It's a hassle to empty a full box and put a new one there, especially at the beginning when you're not using magical chest to Upgrade from normal boxes. Of course, it would also be convenient if full boxes could be moved to another location in the Camp, because you haven't found all the building materials at the beginning and you can't change the floor on which the chest is standing.
Perhaps the summoning staff could be used to upgrade a chest when a suitable item has been built. -
31 Jan, '24
AlexThis would be amazing. Could have a little icon when the box is opened of the next tier of the box, if you have the upgrade in your inventory it would swap it out, similar to backpack swapping.
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31 Jan, '24
1gamerdadMan if I could upvote this a million times I would. It is so cumbersome to have to do this. It would be a fantastic QOL feature.
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02 Feb, '24
EmrysWould be neat if there was an "enchanting wand" that would upgrade the chest. Crafted by the Alchemist, basically works like a staff, using shroud cores as "ammunition" to target the chest and enchant it.
04 Feb, '24
ThomasJust yes, this is BIG quality of live. Also make full chests moovable when in build mode.
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06 Feb, '24
caazegoUpgrade or let me destroy old ones for those materials used.
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07 Feb, '24
Jos Vroon aka Grumpy-GranddadJust like with the Magic chest it would be brilliant if all chests are upgradable that way.
FI, you start with the scrappy box and upgrade that to a standard box etc. For each action you need the previous box.
That way you dont end up with a enormous ammount of boxes you no longer need and are unable to reverse engineer.
Or build an option for reverse engineering that gives, say 50%, of used , materials back.
Or are we supposed to manualy destroy boxes just to get some back? That is what we do in the wild lands when we come agross stuff. Break it up for some materials. I prefer reverse engineering on things you have crafted. Even with a penalty on the used materials. -
08 Feb, '24
JashiiBeing able to upgrade the chests would add the 'Progress Immersion' instead of deleting old chests.
08 Feb, '24
LeaperHaving to empty, delete, replace every time is SUCH A PAIN!
Just let us invest the same mats we would for a new chest to upgrade an existing one please!! -
09 Feb, '24
thehumangermThere are many reasons why this is not practical. Size and shape differences to start. Please don't waist time and development resources on this. Further developing demolish mechanics would be a better use of resources and applies to more items.
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12 Feb, '24
WinterXBeholderIt is realistic to have to take things out of a chest in order to upgrade the chest or move it. But it would also be realistic to drop all of its contents onto the floor (which we currently can't) or just be strong enough to move it while full (which we also currently can't). Since this game doesn't seem like a simulator, I would support either an upgrade-in-place feature, or dumping-items-out feature, or a move-while-full feature. It's clear that this process could be easier, but it doesn't have to be fixed with upgrade-in-place.
20 Feb, '24
MartinThis, and maybe just have a option for a giant inventory thats expanded every time you build the same chest type, im not in it for the inventory management gameplay tbh
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23 Feb, '24
Jos Vroon aka Grumpy-GranddadI would like to see that ALL chest are upgradable from the previous one. Not just the ones from the carpenter.
So you start with the basic scrap chest and move up using the old chest as a component.
Now we cannot take the old stuff apart other then deleting it. That is stupid.
If I swing an axe at it then at some point I get some materials back. It should be standard to be able to deconstruct or use the methode I suggested above. -
26 Feb, '24
GerBearI like this. It would also be nice to add a way to pick up the chest if you are in the vicinity of your flame altar. Like Keragi said in a previous comment. Even if there is stuff in it. Makes it inconvenient to move stuff around. But it also makes sense that you can pick it up cause you're already in build mode at your base.
08 Mar, '24
DeebsIt'd be nice to be able to move a full storage box without emptying it first. As your base expands its time consuming to empty boxes before moving them to their new location and then refilling it
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25 Mar, '24
leftcoastfunkExactly! I don't mind the requirements of needing certain materials or NPC, but the process of "upgrading" your chests is suuuuuch a pain. I just spent a good long time "upgrading" my chests and I'm not even close to being done yet. I've done like 14 chests out of the 20-something I have. le sigh
13 Apr, '24
VennimousHaving this same upgrade system for walls, roofs, etc. would be amazing too!
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11 Jun, '24
Emilio AmaralI think there should be different types of storage items.
Chests, Cabinets, Wardrobes and Big Trunks. -
25 Jun, '24
Lavonnaallowing more stacks in the chest would be something of a QOAL ( quality of avatar life ) :)
27 Jun, '24
FlammensohnYou see a preview for the content of a box if you are near of it. But this preview dosen't show different items in the box, it shows static the first 3 slots out of many. Since most players logically sort items, the first 3 slots are usually the same thing, while in other parts of the box there are other items. This makes the preview impractical. Please change it, so it skips identical items and shows an overview of different kinds of items.
Example: If the first row are berries, the second row are mushrooms and the third row is corn... the preview should show "berries, mushrooms, corn" - and not "berries, berries, berries". -
30 Jun, '24
JuneI would add the following suggestion for chests:
1) being able to move them without emptying each chest everytime ;
2) being able to name them or having signs or coloring the chest the way we want ;
3) Auto store in existing chest ;
4) Recycle old chest instead of deleting them ;
(some of them are probably mentionned above tho) -
06 Jul, '24
Ol' ArtexThe storage is awful as it is right now, chests should have the ability to deconstruct to get back your materials so you can upgrade to larger chests and stacks need to be multiplied x4 so items that cap at a stack of 50 now cap at 200. Please tell me my hazelnuts only stack to 20???
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26 Jul, '24
PandoraTotally agree with this. Newish to game and managing this once more chest types are unlocked is horrible. Not saying we should be able to upgrade for free, it should still require the same mats.
04 Aug, '24
AnnaYes I feel like we should either be able to upgrade a small magic chest to med magic and so on until we could make a huge chest. Or let us have a break down machine and get the raw materials back.
07 Sep, '24
cantremI think it would be beneficial to merge this suggestion with the building upgrade one from here: – basically everything that's upgradable ingame would benefit from the upgrade being made directly, without de- and re-constructing.
24 Nov, '24
Kidscapes MergedInstead of or in addition to having magic chests crafted at workshops; add a tool, say an engraving/enchanting tool, to modify chests placed in world to be magic chests. Even if they already contain objects. Possibly you could add various qualities of "shroud ink" to do so. In the fullness of time this enchanting mechanic could apply to other objects as well, such as building your own teleport platforms or elevators, security or automatic doors, crafting automation, semi-permanent tattoo buffs, etc.
25 Nov, '24
GM Nevermore Admin"Magic-ify a placed mundane chest" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Nov, '24
SekireiEchoing a lot of the sentiment shared in this thread:
- Make lower tier chests an ingredient in higher tier chest crafting recipes. Medium chests require small chests, large chests require medium chests, etc. Even if it's simply to add to the recipe of the higher version of the chest, it would help reduce clutter and unnecessary deletion. Alternatively, salvage old furniture for some (most?) resources because deletion just feels bad to have to do.
- Some sort of auto deposit feature when I'm within a vicinity of the chests. Having to deposit my loot to every chest individually has gotten a bit annoying. Would be nice to walk in vicinity of my chests, hit a hotkey, and have everything that already has a stack or similar item in the chest auto stack whatever matches in my inventory.
- A toggle to remove the blue glow on magic chests? Or, reduce the glow to be a tasteful highlight that doesn't force the chest to stick out like a sore thumb.
- Naming chests would be nice, too. -
05 Jan
KnizzlehizzleThis is my biggest gripe with the game. We play 5 people and chest management is impossible. There's no protected slots in your inventory so items you want to keep has to be put somewhere. Then the tedious chore of going to each of our 40+ containers to store it in order with absolutely no way of knowing which chest is what without a sign. And aiming at chests on top of each other is a chore. My one true gripe with the entire game.