Add Minimap
A Minimap that can track players etc, make it easier to stay grouped or see where they are
Comments: 30
26 Jan, '24
Linda MergedWe need a mini map during playing pls. ty
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27 Jan, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Mini Map" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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27 Jan, '24
BahBoAs an option, not mandatory
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29 Jan, '24
NessyOPTIONAL minimal please. A lot of people prefer the elden ring/zelda way of not having your location and quest list shown to you 24/7
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30 Jan, '24
Cassiopeia_71 MergedI would love to see a mini map for easier navigation. The world is so big, that I regularly get lost. It would be nice to have a mini map somewhere on the HUD to make navigation easier and to see where enemies are coming from.
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31 Jan, '24
AlexThis would be too immersion breaking in my opinion. I like the compass system.
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01 Feb, '24
KaelinA minimap would be amazing.
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01 Feb, '24
Pifge MergedThe absence of a minimap within the game can sometimes make navigation a bit cumbersome. Having a minimap feature would greatly assist players in orienting themselves within the game world, making exploration and movement more efficient.
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02 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Absence of Minimap:" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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03 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"PLease add brightness toogle, Minimap (optional), enchantment for weapons" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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03 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Add Mini Map" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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04 Feb, '24
Migs MergedAllow movement while opening map or better is have a transparent map/ or minimap. Way point is okay but not enough if you constantly open the map to change your destination.
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04 Feb, '24
ZilchWith a day/night clock cycle!!
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04 Feb, '24
Andrea MergedHi guys! Can you put a mni-map in hub? So than we know where we go whitout open the menù. Thanks!
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05 Feb, '24
JekyllA minimap could be great!
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07 Feb, '24
AlexAn optional minimap display would be very useful, especially in multiplayer. It seems that the current indicator is confusing to some people, especially when you want to follow your buddy in one direction, but also have another player in another part of the map. Also while gliding and trying to figure out if you've missed the marker or not.
We've played with a few friends for about 60 hours together now, and one of them is constantly complaining that he cannot find us which creates frustration in an otherwise very good experience. -
08 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Map" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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08 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Mini-map in HUB" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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10 Feb, '24
AlethraAn optional mini-map would be great. I was trying to play multi-player and it's frustrating to have to stop and open the map to see what direction to go to find your friends.
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17 Feb, '24
KaroshiI think an optional minimap is absolutely necessary. It's very annoying to close and reopen the map several times to see which direction you're going to, or what is near you.
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02 Mar, '24
AlrunBut optional please, because there are people like me who hate minimaps. The compass is enough IMO.
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17 Mar, '24
BroJCI would love a minimap option as it is now I am constantly opening the map and this causes your character to stop. It does not have to have world markers and things but it would greatly help.
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29 May, '24
AllamagoosaWould love to have a Mini Map that has the fog of war. The Mini map would be best if you could toggle it off and on and move it around the HUD.
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09 Jun, '24
FuRiA_CCVery interesting addition we need it so much.
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24 Jun, '24
ETBMini-map could be an unlockable skill in the survivor tree? Especially in places like Hallowed Halls dungeons - I get so lost sometimes... haha.
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20 Nov, '24
AlunaGetting the option to choose between compass and minimap would be amazing. Compass neither shows distances of anything thats not your current marker nor height differences, structures, shroud, your current position etc which makes it very useless for me personally. I literally open the map every few seconds. Also in multiplayer it feels like we waste half of the time with explaining where everyone is and where we go and waiting for people with limited sense of direction.
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26 Nov, '24
SierraA mini-map would be one of the highest QoL additions. I hate that I have to keep looking at the world map every few minutes to determine if I'm going in the right direction.
07 Dec, '24
CoolUsernameBro Admin"mini map and teleport to friends" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-12-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Jan
MatiasI think it could be interesting to get a map for big dungeons or cities
15 Jan
TodurYeah I think OPTIONAL is the word around here and I really think the same. What I would wish would be a more accurate map which can show the buildings you actually build and other existing structures. It would help with town planning for example. And if not, a system like minecraft's where you can actually build a map so it shows your buildings for a certain distance. But yeah, minimap should be added, but optional