More Attack Variety

206 votes

If we could have skills in the melee tree that add melee charge attacks (hold LMB) or perhaps a charged arrow shot (hold LMB after drawing, taking more time for even more damage and range) mayhap even a spell on wands that shoots out but takes away more durability in the process as a tradeoff, those could all be cool.

We could also probably do things like skills that change RMB (block) > LMB (attack) into special shield bashes/tackles or an AoE weak burst for mages that knock enemies away for little damage (both damaging your ward/shield's durability in the process so their having durability actually matters.) - that too would be a fun addition!

Overall I just feel there could be more branching into each tree's uniqueness and changes in combat by adding more attacks to our repertoire.

Open suggestion Balance change Feature improvement Suggested by: Jules Upvoted: 14 May Comments: 27

Comments: 27