Name / Rename Altars / Homes / Base
So we can name towns/outposts etc.
Comments: 61
24 Jan, '24
EnshroudedPlayer MergedHey,
As title, with the ability to have more than one base, would go well to be able to rename them as the title suggests. You're able to rename your save / world, not being able to rename your base seems odd.
Thanks, -
25 Jan, '24
Hadrux MergedWould be cool if we could name our Flame Altars so that on the map they showed up differently. Could name settlements, outposts, fortresses etc. Rather than them just showing as "Home"
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26 Jan, '24
Daan MergedIf u put down the Flame altar... make it customable plz. stead of "Home 1" "Home 2"
More like (( personal )) "Base 1" "Mining camp" and such -
27 Jan, '24
Me MergedAn option to add a custom name to your base, so you can see the custom name on your map. Instead of HOME Level 3, it could be something like Haven (Level 3) or My Base (Level 3).
27 Jan, '24
Dubhlainn MergedIf I understand the OP correctly, he/she would like to be able to create a unique name for each Flame Altar so they can be distinguished on the map from one another. I'm all for it!
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27 Jan, '24
TonyBazooka MergedMarkers on maps as well
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28 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"Ability to name Flame Altars" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Avatar MergedShould be named "Renaming Flame Altars". Agreed.
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28 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"Renaming Homes" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-24), including upvotes (17) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
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28 Jan, '24
Oliver Westerdale MergedI'd love to be able to name the different alters for my bases for example I use one as an exclusive farm and another as my main base
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28 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"Alter names" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Jan, '24
Aonyx Admin"Be able to change the name of the Home Alter's" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Jan, '24
NougatgrenBeing able to name custom markers on the map fx "Copper here", "Clay deposit" ect.
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29 Jan, '24
Noor Odah MergedI think we should have the ability to name each Altar for the convenience.
29 Jan, '24
Nik MergedWould be nice with having 16 Flame Alters/bases if we can rename them so we can see the names on the map.
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29 Jan, '24
De4dlnside Admin"Rename Bases/Flame Alters" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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30 Jan, '24
Kizmar MergedWould love the ability to name Flame Alters. For example: if I drop one by a cave system, I can name it "Clay & Copper Mine".
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30 Jan, '24
Hanneswould love to name my castles and villages for roleplay
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30 Jan, '24
DeathbowI have 7 people on my dedicated server. It would be great if we could name each flame alter/home for each of us.
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31 Jan, '24
Kimosabi MergedAllow us to be able to just set our storage crates names to what ever we please. Seven Days to Die has a great implementation of this.
31 Jan, '24
AlexVery good feature to have. Especially in multiplayer when you are trying to explain to a friend which flame you need to teleport to.
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01 Feb, '24
Don henderson MergedWant to be able to name the Flame alters Individually
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01 Feb, '24
Jaywe need this ability to name altars, also an ability to teleport to altars we can pick from a list on the map settings. it sucks having to scroll the map every time just to look for it.
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01 Feb, '24
MotherFlanka MergedAble to rename flame alters
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02 Feb, '24
Malzian Admin"Name Flame Alters" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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02 Feb, '24
Malzian Admin"Name Flame Alters" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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02 Feb, '24
Malzian Admin"Want to be able to Name the Flame alter" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Feb, '24
Don henderson MergedI mentioned being able to Name the alters.. Would be cool to have a menu or something with all your flame alters on it... it difficult to find them on the map at times
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03 Feb, '24
Aztas05 MergedIt's VERY easy to get confused with all of the Altars that we as players can place, but then you also have the Flame Shrines and Spires.
05 Feb, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Name/Rename Flame Altar" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Feb, '24
CottonbelleWhen playing with friends, having the ability to name your homes/flames/Spires/etc. makes it easier to communicate where things are. It also helps communicate if a flame needs to stay permanent or if it is a temporary flame that can be removed as exploration occures.
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06 Feb, '24
RayThis - I was so confused as to why I have to have alters all prenamed "Home - level".
06 Feb, '24
FoxenName alters and bases and tic marks on all game mapped pois on that we visit. Some are marked, others not. Too confusing as is. There's a lot of inconsistencies all over the game like stack sizes too.
06 Feb, '24
Master_AquaRename markers, too, or add more marker icons, like a pickax, chest, plant and boss icon.
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06 Feb, '24
StevenThis would be great, so I can make a base as "Copper", so I know it's where I farm copper. Or just let us rename marks around the world.
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07 Feb, '24
Aonyx Admin"With Naming Flame alters..." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Feb, '24
caazegoAlso named map markers.
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09 Feb, '24
PeranorBeing able to set names for your custom makers to keep track of things is a must. And while not as important, adding more types of markers would be nice as well.
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10 Feb, '24
IzzyPlease allow us to name the markers we place on our maps. Still having to look up ore/resource locations online after marking many locations in-game on the map. Thank you!
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10 Feb, '24
Jdawg MergedAlso the ability to name your markers on the map please!
11 Feb, '24
BlackCherryLizPlease add the ability to change our Base Names and add Names to our Custom Markers. I've added Custom Markers hoping I'll remember what each symbol/color combo means when I use it, but I look at them now and am really not sure on some of them. Would be very nice to be able to easily mouse over and see what I made each marker for. Naming bases would also be nice - instead of everything just being 'Home Level X'.
Definitely a huge quality of life improvement. -
14 Feb, '24
TergazziThis would be awesome! I place altars close to resources that are further away, it would be nice to rename them so I can remember what was there.
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14 Feb, '24
AuriMake it so not only flames/bases/home can be renamed but also marks on the map :)
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14 Feb, '24
John WilkinsonThis is a great idea. Couple this with the ability to designate a "home base" or main base - and then add fast travel to the main/home base as an option that appears similar to fast travel to the last altar you used currently appears. So you don't have to mouse over to where your base is every time you want to go home. Thanks for a great game!
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17 Feb, '24
paynisbe REALLY NICE to name your markers
18 Feb, '24
Low Vision PlayerNot only just too add names but to be able to replace the icons on the map and resize them so for instance I could make finished content like wells and roots very small on the map or even hide them I want to be able to increase the size of my flame altars icon on the map maybe even scaling the size of the icon on the map based off of the level of the flamt altars level.
I'm looking at my map and just getting lost completely too much clutter
Also add a button on the left of the map where it says flame altar 7/8 or whatever having buttons there to click on to jump to those flame altars so I don't have to drag my mouse around the map looking for a base I want to fast travel too and the buttons on the left should also be named based off of what you call the bases. -
18 Feb, '24
HollyYes please! Having EVERY alter named house 1-6 (currently) is annoying. Especially when you play with friends. I'm always like "no not that one, the other one. Northeast, no not that far up the one a little lower." It would be far easier to be able to rename them. It would definitely help simplify it and narrow it down. It'd save a lot of time. Being able to label things in your houses (storage) would be nice as well and be able to craft signs.
19 Feb, '24
IsoManage (rename, upgrade &delete) altars from the map
23 Feb, '24
Greg MergedThis is especially useful in multiplayer when trying to describe where to teleport to since all the altars at the same level share the same name.
Could also easily be combined with the suggestion to list teleport points on the side of the map to pick from. Without naming the altars that does not help. -
02 Mar, '24
AzulgorWould also be very cool if the name of your home / base pops up on the screen as you enter, like the way it does with other locations.