Regain health while resting or sleeping
At the moment, there is no other way than food, bandage and potion to regain health (magic maybe I didn't explore well that area yet). Those are valuable items that can be use on the go. But there should be a way to regain health, even slowly, by resting at camp fire or sleeping in a bed.
Comments: 18
28 Jan, '24
Deathana MergedIt would be a nice addition if you are hurt, when you sleep in a bed you heal.
19 -
28 Jan, '24
Avatar MergedHeal hit points and mana and stamina.
31 -
29 Jan, '24
DragonsDusk MergedYes, please, though I'd understand if it's only sleep in our own beds, not random ones we find as we explore.
23 -
31 Jan, '24
Avatar MergedNo, it should be any bed - not just your own bed. The game checks for comfort for the Rested bonus anywhere, it should heal anywhere as well.
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01 Feb, '24
Justin Mergedhealing should take place anywhere you get comfort to be honest, or at least within your altar range.
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05 Feb, '24
Roganwarrior MergedShocked the first time I woke up half dead.
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10 Feb, '24
Brokenspade MergedI think Healing should come from comfort level. It is still a survival game.
If nothing else it makes no sense when you have a base with the comfort level in the 60s plus that you don't get some kind of bonus beyond stamina. -
17 Feb, '24
paynis MergedOOOR heal when you talk to the alchemist. no reason he cant hook you up
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14 Mar, '24
Hue Phartid MergedFor those times when you're adventuring and you want to save on potions/food, how about being able to make a tent, sleeping mat/bag, and a campfire (I know we can make campfires) to rest, recuperation and healing.
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15 Mar, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Heal when you sleep in a bed" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (1,218) and comments (7), was merged into this suggestion.
4 -
23 Mar, '24
LeopardMaybe link the heal rate based on comfort level and danger of the zone?
Would be excellent for adding sickness etc based on previously taken damage and the fact that the damage may not be treated properly. -
28 Mar, '24
melonSleep/rest in real life is a magnificent healer. It should be the same in game.
2 -
20 Apr, '24
Mayvai HendeixGives us heal classes something to do.
02 Jun, '24
Kurt01 Feb
"healing should take place anywhere you get comfort to be honest, or at least within your altar range."
I totally agree with the later half of this, in particular not just passively healing but also increased mana regen which would be mostly useful for either high mana capacity + low mana regen builds, and newer players wanting to try magic out. -
11 Jun, '24
Emilio AmaralNot only heal, but accelarete all the processes while we sleep.
In example: as we add some wood for making some coal...
As we sleep and the time goes to 60x...
The coal producing should also get the 60x boost.
Then, as we wake up, the process would woul resume more realistic (just like in Valheim). -
11 Sep, '24
John Reynolds MergedI think your health bar should refill when sleeping in a bed.
17 Sep, '24
Toast Admin"Healing when you sleep." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-09-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Nov, '24
BluSleeperThis is one of the first things I noticed. In real life this is also true. being sleepy then adequately resting to stave off sleepyness and heal up faster. this should depend on coziness level as well. less cozy places with lower quality bedding, home, fire, etc regenerate slower while nicer items regen faster. again there should be luck of the draw for certain items. do not create them all equal.