Planting Crops in a Grid (3x3, 4x4, 5x5)
To add an upgraded hoe or better quality (Copper, Bronze or Iron). This would enable players to plant crops in bigger grids instead of planting one seedling at a time you could plant 2x2, 3x3.... 9x9 type grids which would make planting crops a lot faster instead of having to plant 100-200 plants individually for a farm. In hand also a faster way to harvest crops too. I tried to use a scythe on a crop and it destroyed it but maybe it could act as a way to harvest crops straight into your inventory. Quality of life would be greatly improved. Valheim has a similar mechanic and there is a really good mod which does this well (Mass Farming Mod). Water collection could be improved too.
Comments: 61
25 Jan, '24
Morndenkainen MergedAdd a feature for 3x3 or 5x5 planting of crops. Maybe even make it an unlockable skill in the core or survivor branch bound to the shift key. Hold shift, plant 3x3/5x5 instead of one. Also, make farm soil blocks placable and give them like a 10% crop growth boost or something.
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27 Jan, '24
Travis MergedLike the stone hammer add a farming tool that allows for faster placement of seeds. Placing a stack of seeds in a grid with different sizes available
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27 Jan, '24
Fearmaky MergedSo placing 500 Shrub Seedling individually is tedious, Please allow us to throw 10 Seeds into the air and they plant automatically, or add a item a farming tool to allow seedling planting and all other tree seeds etc.
28 Jan, '24
Gnigel MergedIt is very tedious to plant 100 wheat or 200 flax. There should be a way to toggle larger preset build plots that are "snappable" like the build systems to other plots. This would both remove the tedium of planting large fields and solve the alignment problem for those of us that must make everything perfectly straight.
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29 Jan, '24
Cole Younger MergedCurrently the farming is very time and click intensive and at least for some people that makes it a chore rather than fun. My proposal is to improve the rake tool and make it have extra farming options. It could work similar to the construction hammer with tab entering planting/harvest mode
In that tab menu you could have planting patterns you could choose from, and seedlings to choose from similar to how the hammer builds stuff. Then you could either just place down the seedlings in the pattern just like building, or maybe you click-hold the pattern on the ground (it locks there) then as you run around your character will auto-plant in the pattern one seed at a time until the pattern is full. Then you repeat for other sections of your farm as needed.
Harvest option could be an easier version of E to harvest, when in harvest mode you click and everything harvestable in that area gets picked at once, or maybe just hold the mouse button down and everything in your cursor gets pick -
29 Jan, '24
Travis Merged
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30 Jan, '24
Shane MergedIf there was a harvest tool as well, like a scythe, that would make it wayyyyy faster to farm my 150 flax than having to plant and harvest 300 times collectively.
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30 Jan, '24
RLD MergedOption to auto plant a farm plot. Say you have a 4M plot of dirt, with seedling in hand and with snapping on, hit F and the whole plot will populate. It gets quite tedious planting hundreds of seedlings one at a time.
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01 Feb, '24
Chefo MergedIf you've gotten decently far into the armor progression, you may have found yourself with fields upon fields of beautiful blue flax like myself. You may have also found yourself furiously mashing the E key in order to harvest your neatly packed flax forest. Petitioning for a scythe or sickle type farming tool in order to boost efficiency and save my poor arthritic fingers.
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01 Feb, '24
LivewithJohnCould have an upgrade path for the hoe to do this, that would be nice to stretch out that farming also.
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01 Feb, '24
ZoidberkMaybe a new workstation for crops. It check the grid of farmingground and place the crops automatic. Craftet by the Farmer
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03 Feb, '24
EmpasmPlease merge these posts and their votes!
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03 Feb, '24
Tigerlilium Admin"Plant farm in grid (2x2, 3x3, 4x4)" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-28), including upvotes (12) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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03 Feb, '24
Dan MergedAllow more than 1 item to be planted, like a smart snapping plant guide where you can plant at least 6 items at once. There are some games where you can ajust the rows and columns and then plant as many or as little as you want, granted that is done with a mod but in game doing that would be epic!
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03 Feb, '24
Mazaykeen MergedE.g. when crops are selected - pressing Q might open drop-down option with selecting planting square size (1x1, 3x3, 5x5). To implement that option a Farmer quest might be added for smth logical, e.g. "farmer rouler" for mass planting and "Scythe" for mass farming :)
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04 Feb, '24
Obi Wan Kernobi MergedIn addition, please re-balance the planted shrub yield from 1/4 to 2/2 twigs/fiber.
Twigs are a consumable resource that needs constant replenishing for the ranger. Three shrubs are needed for one wood arrow which gives you 12 fiber. You quickly run out of storage space for fiber unless you make strings and roofs constantly which is not necessary in a regular playthrough, but you constantly run out of arrows which means you're constantly busy planting and harvesting shrubs. -
05 Feb, '24
TinyI think a neat idea for this, might be to add a recipe for the Farmer called "Plot of Farm Land" which lets you interact and insert plants rather than manually placing each plant into the grid. Each of the grid pieces would combine, allowing you to harvest/plant the total at once.
Ex, if you place down 50 plots of farmland - When interacting, you would insert tomato plants - Crafting time would begin. After completion, you could pull out 50 yields of tomatoes. -
05 Feb, '24
Xanderbie MergedI really like the idea of having a farming tool that allows to build plots of crops similar to how the building system works. I'm getting carpal tunnel from single clicking in all the harvesting materials one at a time and my 'E' key is wearing out from picking them all up!
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05 Feb, '24
RoganwarriorNeed a variable, or set array system for planting. Set array would be items to plant 25 then you can place 25 at once in a 5 x 5 pattern, 100 = 10 x 10.
Variable would just be manipulation of those numbers. Planting one at a time is time consuming, and almost impossible to get straight.
Frustratingly happy :-) I have over 400 steam games and Enshrouded is up to number 30 in hours played. -
05 Feb, '24
Woodrowe Bones MergedYes! Came here to suggest this. One of my biggest issues with playing a ranged class is the constant need for mats. Especially if you have multi-shot because you burn through arrows at an insane pace.
I agree with a later level machine for both seeding plants and for harvesting them. I was also thinking of maybe having some person you rescue/unlock that can plant/harvest for you? But that might take too much away from it? -
06 Feb, '24
Rayor give us planting plots where we can add a seed to its inventory and have it grow,
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06 Feb, '24
justinkruxOr even better, click and drag over a piece of a ground since obviously there is a world grid.
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06 Feb, '24
TheGrey08This would be HUGE QoL. This could be a Hoe type upgrade system. Start out 1 at a time, then 2x2 up to 4x4 or something.
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07 Feb, '24
Daleespecially when playing with others and we want to go out and adventure but need the crops rotated and it takes forever planting one at a time while also having to space them out as well. while it's good to add things to increase play time, one does not want play time increased with tedium.
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08 Feb, '24
SnowBeeI am surprised something like this doesn't have a 1000 votes at least. I enjoy Enshrouded a lot, and as I approach 100 hours, the single biggest pain is this annoying crop problem.
I enjoy creating a neat and pretty base. Planting my crops once or twice would be fine, but 100's of them, one by one, over and over again is exhausting and beginning to put a real damper on the enthusiasm to enjoy my Base and make a neat pretty farm. I am now not bothering to plant in neat rows and just plant as fast as I can. It is messing with my aesthetics and the chore of planting is something I would love to be fixed. So, please, anything, including this grid system, help make this game even greater! -
09 Feb, '24
Matt MergedI completely agree, but I am also the builder or my group and I know we can change the angle for flattening. I think one of the biggest improvements for this is also a size change for the area flatten. I ruined and entire in mountain carve out cause it gouged right into the wall. I would also suggest a circle and square option for flattening in corners.
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10 Feb, '24
Aonyx Admin"Allow more than 1 item to be planted" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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10 Feb, '24
MikeA planter that plants 10 seedlings at a time. Fill it with up to 500 seedlings. A harvester that harvest all plants in its radius, kind of like the circle around the rake.
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11 Feb, '24
insanity1820 MergedI agree there should be a progression to upgrade to a seed spreader or harvesting machine you can build to plant and harvest larger areas at a time.
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11 Feb, '24
NX Mergedlike the Q/CTRL/R + scroll (why so many variations??), when equipped with seedlings, you should be able to pick from 1, 2x2, 3x3, 1x3, etc
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12 Feb, '24
LifeisReal Admin"Farming Scythe and/or Sickle" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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16 Feb, '24
Levi MergedMy suggestion for farming. Would be to have a tool that lets you select and drag a square according to what seed you have in your inventory to plant. Ex. 1x1, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4,10x10 etc.
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18 Feb, '24
ToctoctocAllow us to craft ready-to-use square gardens like those we can find everywhere , with twigs /wood and earth and some bones maybe
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18 Feb, '24
HawkI would love to see the potential of magic used here. Like add spells that can harvest or plant seeds. In general there is huge potential to intertwine the magic and survival aspects much more. From being able to give mining etc. buffs to straight up faster growing for plants or harvesting or mining spells. It does not need to be it's own utility mage category but could also be double edged like a vine whip spell that can be used for dps and/or ensnares and to harvest crops.
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20 Feb, '24
Alexander GraceBUNDLES!!!! Make it so you can combine like 4 seeds to make a 2x2 or 9 for a 3x3 16 for 4x4 etc... That would be a quick simple fix! Simple new item in game that is crafted from the item already in the game :)
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21 Feb, '24
YukiIn the open world we can already find flowerbeds. Can we just craft/build them? It can be in different shapes and sizes. This way we can simply place a stack of seeds with water inside (the same as everywhere else). When the plant grows, we visually display it in the flowerbed. This will make it much easier to both plant and collect plants. And we don't need to create any grid every time.
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22 Feb, '24
GLI am getting carpal tunnel hurting my fingers/wrist planting flax for our group ;( please Devs, save my wrists, I'm not getting any younger, planting 1 by 1 is a death sentence for a big group who needs resources but not everyone is a farmer.
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22 Feb, '24
AlmazorMaybe the farmer lady can be of some help in cooking or farming, simply delegate her the work. She collects water from well and harvests everything you want her, just assign her a crop plot and voila....leave the rest to your imagination. You leave your farm for combat and precious loot and she turns your farm into a paradise...
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24 Feb, '24
RhysStormI've thought about this as well. In the theming of the world I would suggest something like a 'dibber', a primitive farm tool that amounts to a spike or row/grid of spikes mounted to a handle to make the holes for seeds or seedlings, make a fantasy version of it, or as the OP suggested add a hoe. Have it function like the building hammer, but just for plants. It could use the same sort of system with different row, grid, shape arrangements for planting plants, and ctrl scroll wheel for choosing between seedlings in the player inventory like how the building blocks function now.
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28 Feb, '24
Joe MergedI agree, I feel like the rake can be used for so much more. The one thing I find quite difficult is when I'm trying to make a small path near a mountainous wall, but then the wall starts to erode because the rake tool has only one size. I think that if you were able to adjust the radius of the rake would make terrain building much easier.
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28 Feb, '24
NaphilaI think adding an item like a "planting trowel" that functions like the construction hammer in your hot bar, using seedlings in the "materials" line and grid sizes in the "shapes" rows.
Under "More shapes..." You would have a row for grids of the different seedling sizes much like the construction hammer has rows separated by block/roof/terrain. -
01 Mar, '24
Stan ClevelandMy three brothers and I all agree that implementing a way to plant AND harvest larger areas at one time would be a very beneficial quality of life tool. Thank you very much!
08 Mar, '24
CraigIt would be nice if you could click and drag on the ground to set an area for planting and then have the planting at maximum density happen automatically. I wouldn't even mind if I had to wait a couple minutes for the animation to complete.
Planting hundreds of items by hand is a drag... -
09 Mar, '24
Aonyx Admin Merged"Auto fill farm plots PLEASE!" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Mar, '24
Aonyx Admin"Farming Hoe tool - Grid based planting" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-27), including upvotes (173) and comments (3), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Mar, '24
Aonyx Admin"Farming needs an upgrade 3x3 or 5x5 placements and farming soil." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-25), including upvotes (34) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Mar, '24
Aonyx Admin"Make rake more useful by giving it farming options." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-29), including upvotes (10) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Mar, '24
RGeeThis +1000. This is the worst chore and biggest bore.
If the devs are gluttons for punishment / looking for a challenge they could do it this way: Add one or more additional "survivors" that can actually walk around and work against a daily / weekly task list / kanban system: Organize chest and machine inventories. Replenish seedling inventories. Harvest and then re-plant crops. Fetch water, wood, and stone. Fast travel and fetch ore. Call for backup if attacked or blocked by hostiles. Etc.
If the required pathing and scheduling algorithms are outside the devs interest / expertise / scope, make it so users can write, upload, and invoke that code. -
26 Mar, '24
LisaHonestly this is also about accessibility, which needs a lot of attention in general. Planting a great amount of crops by clicking them one at a time can lead to wrist and hand injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Very painful!