Share Shroud Timer with Nearby Players

4 votes

Feature: Allow players within X meters to share Shroud timers.

Example: Two players run to join a player already in the Shroud. The combined group has 9+9+3=21 minutes in the Shroud. A player suggests a Shroud Timer Share, and the other two players agree (pop-up prompt that requires acceptance by all three players). Each player now has 21/3=7 minutes allowing them to adventure together without having to immediately find a reset point or run out of the Shroud.

Reason: Co-op in the shroud can become very time consuming when timers get staggered for any reason. If a player dies and has to corpse run, or if a new player joins the server and runs to players already in the Shroud, everyone's timers are different, forcing the entire party to stop adventuring and find a timer reset point within the Shroud or to run out. I don't think adding more reset points is the answer as it SHOULD be difficult to find these points.

Open suggestion Balance change Suggested by: Ruby Upvoted: 14 Mar Comments: 1

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