Add Randomly / Procedurely Generated Worlds

1.5K votes

I'm not 100% sure how to go about this, but I have a few ideas.

The game having a premade world works great for tailoring the player experience, this is great especially for anyone's first playthrough.

But what do you do after that? How many times can someone play on the same map? I feel like people will eventually get tired of playing on the same world every time, and the way that the world resets on quitting feels weird in my opinion.

My suggestion has two parts to it.

1. Remove the mechanic of the world resetting outside the flame area when leaving the world

2. Add a way to create randomly generated worlds. I can think of two ways to do this:

2a. World file selection, the way that 7 Days to Die does it

2b. In-game portals that can be customised (perhaps using certain materials on the portal increases the spawn rates of certain materials or structures)

I get that this suggestion is a huge change, and would not expect it any time soon, but it might be good to have eventually.

Open suggestion Feature or content New Suggested by: InjuredMuffin2 Upvoted: today Comments: 54

Comments: 54