Roaming Boss / Mini Boss
Bosses that roam a set path in each area. Unique to each area and preferably not reused models, or at least differ in ways they attack or fight with a similar model of other bosses
Comments: 53
25 Jan, '24
MeGa+1, its a open world exploration game, so it would fit alot. There is even a drop system with rarities, so elites and world bosses are very fitting
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25 Jan, '24
DragoxvI feel like this would be "easy" to implement and would fit in perfectly for an open world game.
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26 Jan, '24
NionI feel like it would make the game "scarier", or at least make the game more difficult. It also would be nice to have them be more difficult the more bosses you beat; like a progressive difficulty system.
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26 Jan, '24
NicobyteLove this, yes please. Roaming death marches of mobs and bosses are tough early game, but you will NEED that excitement later on. I think it's great idea. Spawn circles or roaming circles maybe? Love it so far.
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26 Jan, '24
EviKasperRoaming Boss Events, Shroud incursions, things that could make the world feel more "alive".
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26 Jan, '24
DemonicosmicaNot just bosses, but more enemies and mobs in general need to be added all over the world. It's an action oriented game, so the action should definitely be tuned up with more random trash mobs and enemies, to keeps things fun and, as the person above me said, to make the world feel more alive.
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26 Jan, '24
MirrebexVrising has a similar system and it's great having to hunt down specific bosses.
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26 Jan, '24
Biff BlacksheepThis would make the world so much more alive.
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26 Jan, '24
JoshI would love to see this system implemented!!
28 Jan, '24
GrabwandlerThis. Would be so cool to randomly encounter a world boss on top of a mountain or just roaming around chasing other monsters/ people!
28 Jan, '24
wesley gravesit would be cool if there were moving caravans/groups of enemies patrolling similar to elden ring. raiding a caravan could be difficult and reward good loot. the world can feel kind of empty. it would be nice to have more enemies/mobs/npcs in the world overall.
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28 Jan, '24
KaiIt would be interesting if night time + shrouded regions are extremely dangerous.
For instance a typical lv1~5 region at night will see mutated variants that are super aggressive and has high aggro ranges, and the ability to jump around obstacles. They would be 3 levels higher than the region and drop higher quality materials rarely, and often drops rare and epic weapons.
Shroud Beasts they can be called, and they are like 'werewolves' but infested sort of creatures that prowl the shroud at night, and only at night.
It makes the shroud feels scary if they detect you as pursuit music starts playing. -
29 Jan, '24
NEMESISS2K5Just thought of this too. It would be a neat feature to introduce a team base raid boss with requirements as an incentive to showcase multiplayer. 16 players sounds like a good cap on bosses. Otherwise the sessions, connection could get overwhelmed. Players can opt-in to make their world available for boss raid events from the Menu > Options. Plus, bases, craft items, etc. cannot be destroyed, removed, etc. by outside parties during boss events. A raid chest would spawn somewhere where players can exchange consumables, trade gear at a in-game resource cost, etc. Just thinking out loud here, there are a lot of mechanics to consider.
1. There must be 6 players or 10 players in the world
2. party's average level must be 15-18, or 20-23
3. Once the requirements are met the boss spawn timer is set to 5 or 10 minutes for the party to prepare
**If requirements are not met, the boss will not spawn until enough people have entered the world to fulfill the requirements. -
29 Jan, '24
David KruppI love this idea. Anything to spice up the areas just a bit. I just would want them to make some considerations for players who only plan on playing single player, not to make bosses too hard out and about, and not to lock those players out of good loot and monster encounters just because it's solo play. I'd love to see more hidden tombs and explorable places, as well, like the hidden tombs with a casket treasure chest at the end? I want more like that too.
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30 Jan, '24
wongI hope the game can be filled with more different, distinctive, differentiated bosses, the current game has a high degree of repetition of monsters, the use of a few of the same strategy can be solved by different monsters, it is very easy to get bored.Designing more unique monsters and requiring different strategies to defeat them would allow for a clearer division of labor for everyone in multiplayer online. Reflect the differences between players with different skill branches.
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30 Jan, '24
DappI think this is one of the most important suggestions.
Something i've noticed so far is that the world lacks randomisation. Every time i pass through a location, it's the same as before, with almost exactly the same enemies. Randomly spawning, high threat enemies would give the world that additional sense of genuine threat and terror it deserves. -
30 Jan, '24
AriusWould love this. It feels so safe roaming around such a supposedly dangerous world. The consequences for death isn't that big of a deal, really, so having this would be a nice risk/reward addition. More varied enemies would be great too.
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30 Jan, '24
ultimategrungoI'd definitely wanna see some roaming bosses and other chance encounters. Maybe a burrowing ambush predator, or a towering behemoth that can be seen a mile away, or a flying thunderbird that can only be found during storms (if we're tying in the popular "weather system" suggestion).
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31 Jan, '24
CapAlpha Wolf, Behemoth Bear, Chieftain Shroud Berzerker - so many options - just make the normal Asset bigger wrap it in a new skin and improve stats.
Oh i woul like that! Give every beast a certain chance to spawn as a miniboss version (yes i know conan where art though...) --- but i actually enjoy that system :) -
01 Feb, '24
Black Poternight-only boss will be great, now night is just night , it just made things dark and everyone just sleep to skip the night. If there are boss or special item that only show up during the night, I think it can be more interesting(and less sleeping time for character :)
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01 Feb, '24
JayI think the most memorable boss I fought was the Fell WispWyvern which actually proved to be a challenge when fighting at its recommended level/progression. It would be great to have more bosses like that which you can challenge in a group or solo to test your build at every biome, like a signature boss. It's a shame that the heads needed for flame altar upgrades are mostly mini bosses which are forgettable and recycled in multiple Elixir Wells.
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01 Feb, '24
ZenkoI agree with all that's been said.
The general idea in my opinion is to make the game less predictable.
Roaming bosses, hordes of ennemies, temporarily expanding/moving fog (if that could be a thing) all of that would be great. -
01 Feb, '24
cléCan I downvote this about thousand times? I just love to explore without having to fear of getting oneshotted, this helps the exploration immersion for me. There is no need for a game to have bosses literally at every corner. Game is awesome as it is, don't ruin exploration.
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01 Feb, '24
VaRiDeXCould We make some of these roaming mini bosses rares? Like special bosses that spawn randomly and travel the roads. They would have special named drops or loot. Pretty solid idea.
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02 Feb, '24
ForestI would like to add that the bosses could be more free roaming, and bring clouds of the shroud with them. Makes the shroud a more dynamic threat since it could appear in unexpected places.
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04 Feb, '24
VorundorRoaming bosses would be awesome, giant creatures if possible. The world is already expansive enough to have a few giant creatures roaming around.
06 Feb, '24
JustinFear adds some nice immersion.
06 Feb, '24
AndrenikousHonestly had no clue this wasn’t already in the game. I thought I saw some big bosses in the trailer but I guess they are all just part of the quest progression.
06 Feb, '24
PoopbrigadeAnother thing about this is if a player specifically puts a base in the Mini Boss's roam path the player can make a mini-boss farm.
06 Feb, '24
FhorstI would like to see some bosses that can rarely spawn in certain locations or a whole area (ecept the vicinity of your base). Like someone else already suggested you can just take the models of the wolf, boar or any animal, make them bigger, change the color and give them special loot for throphys and such.
Something like this would make want to search the map for new things even after I finished all the quests. -
06 Feb, '24
Ragefrighti love the idea of this and feel like some PoI's already serve this purpose but legit roamning bosses ala fel reaver in wow or something would be awesome, massive things we shouldn't be able to take down unless super geared for that level range would be really cool
that being said a boss rush would be cool too, a arena to fight every boss progressively getting harder back to back -
07 Feb, '24
RustyI'd love if they added really large creatures in each large shrouded area, something to *actually* make those ambient scary large creature noises have a source and a reason to be careful- and obviously having them be mini-bosses or roaming bosses is perfect.
Imagine if you could look down and see a giant creature moving around, and you could risk going down to gather materials or choose to go to a different shrouded area to get those materials hoping that area's creature is in sleeping mode.
Or, you could see it and have it be a goal to take down that creature end game for something really nice equipment-wise, and/or as part of the story in reclaiming the world from the shroud, as they're large vectors of the fungal infection!
edit: my friend gave the idea of calling them "hosts", I think that would be a good word to describe the category they'd fall under -
09 Feb, '24
Duke_00would love mini-Bosses roaming after freeing the first few wells and making them bigger the more Wells/roots you destroy as a sord of counter-Strike from the Shroud, trying to stay allive. That way you could choose either to play it mellow and don't destroy roots or wantig to have a War vs. the Miasma. It would totaly support the Ground storry, where the Misama came up from the Elixir-Wells as revenge for dinging to deep.
10 Feb, '24
mayruThis is something my group talks about A lot because the shroud isn't all that scary unless you drop in a bad spot. Running into random boss encounters while you're farming mushrooms would be fantastic.
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10 Feb, '24
TJwould absolutely love more enemies, wandering bosses, mini bosses, think dragons dogma style, but obv. enshrouded style
12 Feb, '24
ThomasMake it random spawns, also make random elite monsters which drops cool loot.
12 Feb, '24
WinterXBeholderThe shroud is ominous when you first start the game, but it doesn't take long to get to a point where combat or the shroud itself isn't really scary anymore. It would be nice to have the occasional wandering boss to look out for.
25 Feb, '24
alissonAdding more variety of bosses would give the game a gigantic touch, small bosses, world bosses and final bosses of an area that gives you an essential item to create some rare item.
04 Mar, '24
Sam ChenOr at least elite enemies ( white named , green , blue , purple , gold , orange named )
12 Mar, '24
elghtballdynamic events. poi's randomly can have tough enemies and good loot. same with the roaming bosses. making exploring earlier areas at higher level still valuable. maybe even small little mini stories you happen upon. with dynamic events, could start a chain of events that lead you to specific areas telling a little story. but something you have to explore to find.
13 Mar, '24
Chrogan+1 This. Not sure if possible but they could even spread shroud as they patrol around. Killing the boss would clear said shroud similar to roots or wells.
or for the more hardcore, allow the shroud to continue to spread until the source (boss ) is killed. Force us to cull/cleanse the shroud! lol -
16 Mar, '24
JonRandom mini-bosses here and there is a great idea! Game needs more variety in terms of dangers in the world. Needs something to put the mc on their toes.
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23 Mar, '24
BelerudRoaming set area is good. But PLEASE add even smarter/cunning and unpredictable AI.
29 Mar, '24
DaeceI would love to see this but with varying schedules. So, maybe 2-3 routes per area.
I.e. Boss is assigned a route for the next 1-6 in game days. After that time is up, he despawns and a route for respawn is chosen. Again randomly 1 - 6 days. Add in something to prevent the boss from picking the same route more than twice in a row and you are all set. If two bosses choose routes that overlap, one will be forced to choose a new route from it's list. You could also assign levels to the routes rather than the bosses. Then give bosses dynamic move sets based on location. Perhaps ways to use defining environmental factors to increase it's difficulty. Lastly, Add in that any route that has a player built base along it's route gets excluded from the list.
This makes it so bosses aren't entirely predictable. Varying schedule rather than set schedule. You can have multiple bosses share areas since only one can be in a specific route. -
11 Apr, '24
Eric HenryThis would be great to have in game. Also Dedicated Loot Pools per Boss would encourage Farming and let's face it, if you know anything of Borderlands 2, people absolutely love that mechanic. Being able to go Hunt a Hard Boss over and over in search of the perfect Dropped Item is surprisingly very fun and almost addictive. I have spent hours sometimes in Boderlands 2 for very specific gear.
Example: Killing the Blood Tree in Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragons Keep for the perfect Bee Shield drop. Tons of fun and so rewarding when you FINALLY get the drop. -
28 Apr, '24
Fearless-Synapsemaybe add a outpost defence mechanic in stround area. you put a little extractor outpost and must defend it for a 7-15 min every minute wave are spawning (players scaling) with boss encounter and rewards like hugh stacks of zone resources etc.
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09 May, '24
Impact_biassummon-able bosses would be awesome too. with a chance for a hard to get new weapon or armour behind it. that way the main progression of a first time player isn't impeded by a ??? boss just roaming around the area they need to go.
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06 Jun, '24
superpebbletwo types of gigantic shroud bosses,
1 the shroud entity, it manifests in the shroud and can be seen trudging across the land before charging at the player and when closing in the distance they disappear in the mist. attacking not the avatar but the actual players psyche. the sounds, the tension the feeling of impending doom like the feeling of falling off a cliff and waking up before you hit the ground. thats the entity.
2 the shroud boss acts nearly identical to the shroud entity instead doesn't dissolve in the mist and engages with the player.
the purpose:
is the shroud is alive? and is actively messing with the player? actions like this beg the question, is it sentient, or it merely hallucinogenic.
what are you attacking in the shroud really? is this the horrific end that so many adventurers fell to in the past? the questions that arise from tricks like this make the game more memorable. this isn't simply what I want to see but whats missing from the game and why its missing. -
15 Aug, '24
Mike Dwyer MergedAt the present it seems most encounters are tethered to specific locations/POIs even those in seemingly 'open' areas. For instance, you can always find wolf packs at the same locations. If possible (and in addition to these more static spawns) a randomized encounter mechanic would make overland travel, as well as in the shroud, more interesting. Since the map is itself static perhaps there might be applied X number of potential spawn locations from which a certain number are randomly selected each time the world is loaded and at which level/area appropriate 'things' spawn, pulled from a pool of possibilities. From a wandering patrol to a large herd of goats. The size and type of encounters in this pool could potentially be enormous. Even static set pieces could be included, something like a wrecked cart with some supplies. A functional example would be how random encounters were generated in Fallout 4.
30 Oct, '24
GM Nevermore Admin"Randomized overworld encounters" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-08-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.