Tree Tap

90 votes

So the idea would be making the Tap out of Copper or Bronze (if you want it for early game or late game, depending on community/votes) and a bucket.

Since getting Resin is a big grind half the time, maybe this item could be alittle easier on people to get the Resin. It would allow placement on trees (which who knows, could lead into treehouses for placement but with how you can build now, it dont matter) and overtime will collect sap, maybe you would need water as a fuel or maybe its just an overtime slow build like water from wells.

Along with collecting Resin, maybe depending on the tree you put it on, it could provide something else. Like: maple syrup (which is a natural sugar, maybe on par or slightly better then honey), resin, sap (could be used as a glue source for some type of block/craft in the future).

Open suggestion Feature improvement Suggested by: DJDragon Upvoted: 01 May Comments: 4

Comments: 4