New biome - Albaneve Summits feedback thread
Please use this thread for all your feedback on the Albaneve Summits / mountain biome.
Comments: 60
06 Nov, '24
BenGreat! But just wish next time that there will be more than one boss, for such a big biome. I think it deserve like 3.
and please don't show too much spoliers in the trailer, like all enemies & bosses. -
07 Nov, '24
RyBen there are 3 new mini bosses. So 4 bosses total which is more then any previous biome
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07 Nov, '24
Steel felt very frustrating to get only after traversing most of the biome and getting the blast furnace. I had iron and coal from the first minute I stepped foot in Albaneve, but the blacksmith didn't explain why I was finding steel bars and silver ore everywhere on humans. It really felt like I was missing something since he didn't even offer the quest until I finished a bunch of the other crafter quests (a common complaint I have). I just kept staring at my forge wondering why it wouldn't let me craft using new materials. -
07 Nov, '24
MinAir currents are very hard to see depending on angle or distance (maybe by design?). When doing the Albaneve spire puzzle I could not see the air current for a good 10+ minutes and was just hopping around until I got the right angle. I honestly thought it was broken.
Very often I cannot see an air current until I am flying past it and it's too late to adjust course. -
07 Nov, '24
Borisslittle bit of feedback on the dragon boss fight - it has mechanics that are very punishing for solo players:
1) the dragon breath attack is accompanied by a long stun, which makes it almost a guaranteed kill - a little bit of warning to go along with the "some of its projectiles can be parried" message that shows at the peak where the battle takes place could save some stress
2) its adds are all too easily able to overwhelm a solo player - scaling the number of spawned adds with the party / trickling them in 2-3 at a time, a group of 5 bullrushing me is a lot considering that the dragon aint just watching either -
07 Nov, '24
Nitro7I still love the game but:
I don't like the rain (I don't understand why people asked for it but I'll try to get used to it. I prefered the "enchanted world where it's always sunny" kind of vibes)
I hate labradors (I've been biten by one in my childwood) and will NEVER do the quest. (I would have prefered to have a wolf pet like in the "Cubic Enshrouded" (minecraft)
(Labradors are the dogs that have bitten the most children (the legal term is "biting accident") because of their reputation as a "nice" dog, even though they are "big-sized" dogs.)
ps: personnaly I just want to have an "easy" game where I play a magician with a staff and a big hat (some sort of peaceful gandalf) and I think magician are actualy the easy way to play the game so please maybe don't make it difficult for magicians ?
still GOTY 2024 tho -
07 Nov, '24
rabootThe scavenger tyrant doesn't appear to drop a head for trophy making like every other mini boss. As a trophy collector, please add one to go along with the scavenger matron.
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08 Nov, '24
enshrouded fanLack of new hardened leather recipe(or I had not unlocked that for some reason)?
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08 Nov, '24
Torch89891Not sure If I am missing something or if it just was not implemented. I love the Cold timer and frost resitance to raise that timer but seeings as how you have to traverse most of the area for lvl 7 alter upgrades building a shelter with frost resist fire places etc should allow your timer to reset or at least go up. I built a shelter with a Balefire and 4 Iron fire places fully enclosed thinking it would reset or raise my cold timer but it still went down.
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09 Nov, '24
ChewedGumThe new biome is so wonderful, thank you for this! The vertical movement adds a new element which is really enjoyable and the visuals are again stunning ^-^ You really are masters of creating areas
My one hope for the future is that the bosses would be more varied. The variations could be more simpler as well: Unique names (like in the case of the one Scavenger matron who has lore attached to them), changes to their appearances, one or two unique moves/skills and unique loot to existing bosses would already give a huge boost and sense of wonder to exploration (for example a unique vukah brawler with lighting fists or a thunder calling shout). It would (at least for me) give a sense of fulfillment in exploring different points of interest when there is something new or unexpected waiting for you.
The other wish would be for more varied rings and unique enchantments that would bring some new dimensions for the gameplay -
09 Nov, '24
crgates23I am loving the new biome so far and all of its' new materials, just a thought though, will there end up being a shovel tool or something to make gathering moss easier? When I use my Iron Pickaxe I only seem to get about 170 before it breaks. I know I'm not the only one loving the touch moss gives to the houses, just wish there was a better way to harvest lots of it.
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10 Nov, '24
EstherI love labradors and have it in my village. I enjoy seeing him settle to sleep on his bed, and the health buff he gives is lovely.
I also really like the rain. I always enjoy weather effects because I feel like they make the world feel less stagnant.
I appreciate you devs so much for your great work. I love the new zone. -
10 Nov, '24
RyThe biome could use more save shrines. When I die it's always so long to run back
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10 Nov, '24
ThundercatsffsI really like the new biome, visually the devs have perfectly captured the sub arctic climate and feel. Its absolutely stunning and one opf my new all time favourite areas!
Negatives: Not enough travel points, the area is large and due to the many mountains, having balefires act like ressurection beacons could be a good idea imo, or a fast travel point but with a timer where you cant travel to it more than twice per hour or something.
Not enough flamealtars or range. I mean, this game is amazing and i absolutely love it. Hence the will to spend thousands of hours in it however tghe limited altars we have makes it hard to do everything you want to do and the range forces you to place down several just to be able to build to towns you want. Id want to eiter have them be more upgradeable, to like level 6 or 7, or increase the number of altars we can have and add an inventory sharing system between close ones.
Overall, 10/10! -
10 Nov, '24
VegaExcellent update, good content, map size is huge. Lot of new weapons, armors, gameplay stuff. Visuals are very good. weather change. We can pet cat
And OMG thanks for the mob pull perk with the grappling hook
Random proposals:
- decrease frost ring+2 drop rate in chests
- possibility to regain frost time with warm shelter
And final boss mechanics should be reviewed imo, in particular for solo players AND melee :
1) boss clips through ring land
2) when boss transition to ground, it can push the player far of the arena. Instant death
3) when pushed, player has to use space bar twice (due to double jump perk) : by the time the double jump is done, player is below aerial vortex effect. Instant death. Or sometimes, aerial vortex just don't work, which is painful when the combat design is based on that
4) Said by previous comment : too many stacking conditions on solo payer ; hp degen + stun effect + minions, all on same time -
10 Nov, '24
SigmaThe little lantern gnomes have kinda wasted potential, would it be possible that the light would emit from the lantern and that there would be animated fireflies in the lantern?
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11 Nov, '24
CalifaxisHonestly What is the Point of Gating Progression behind a Ranged-Only Boss (The Dragon) in a Game heavily-invested in Melee Combat?
Whose Brilliant Idea was that?
Respect the players' playtime: Every Single Timer in the Game Needs to be cut to 1/10th the Duration of what they currently are;
it took nearly an hour and a half to grow the Gentian Seeds?!?! Are you Mad??!?
All the Notes: If you're going to rely fallout mod-level game design Then Put Some Map Markers in the Endless Parade of Fetch-Quests! -
11 Nov, '24
Cristari MergedFighting the Dragon on top of the Howling Peak in this quest is next to impossible unless your class is Archer. A mage has no way to stun the Dragon, Tanks can use a shield to knock the meteors back at it but that is just as slow the best way to take down the Dragon is by using Stun arrows then Switching to something more damaging.
Why was this boss fight set up for one class only?
Why is there no way to get flame protection/resistance in game to lessen the effects from fire?
Are you just making this boss overly hard to occupy peoples time? -
12 Nov, '24
Nitro7I don't like the new flying. I prefered the old one without the left and right thing but it's ok
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12 Nov, '24
Nitro7ho yeah.
I don't like how whest feel like lootboxes.
I'll get so excited when I find a chest, it's shinny and everything but when I open it, it's a melee weapon or a bow.... and instantly be disapointed (I'm a mage)
oh I found a level 6 staff right after finding a level 30 axe one the mountain biome -
12 Nov, '24
I like the update. The region is great, the new materials are a good addition. The only real annoyance I have is with the dragon. I play solo and have a melee build and just cannot defeat it. It takes dozens of stun arrows per 'stun' and you need to repeat it 8 about times? I'm not sure what the idea was with the ring of lava and deadly shroud in the boss area? Any minor mistake is an instant kill, you just get pushed off the ledge too easily. Relying on the glider is not an option since you don't have enough stamina. I hope you consider changing this boss fight. -
13 Nov, '24
Anna MergedThis dragon is way way to difficult to kill. I have no way to advance in the game to upgrade my shrine. I even dug a hole into the earth around the ring with murder holes and the dragon was still able to one shot me. suck my though the wall. and laser beam me. I do not play with a group so from here on out I am done with the new area..
This is going to leave quest undone for me. I have 1000 hours of play time in this game and I am absolutely PISSED OFF!!! -
13 Nov, '24
Darkwytch2 Mergedthe dragon fight is BROKEN, not only do you have to waste a ton of your timer waiting for it to land because it doesn't always see you come in, but it's so overpowered that even on the easiest settings you can't do a THING against it. I'm not wasting my valuable time playing a game that forces continuous grind out, and rewards only the BEST of players while not letting the rest of us have a decent chance. Fix it and while you are at it, make the game's visual settings ACCESSIBLE gamma and light levels. TY
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13 Nov, '24
superpebbleI love the design of the map, the verticality really is its strong suite. love the frost cyclops cave where you fly around avoiding obstacles to reach different levels using updrafts in a cave. the challenge of simply getting to the cave, I mean this in a good way but it it really slows down the progression but in a good way. it means nothing if you can fly over a town, land in an isolated combat area where its just you and the boss, kill the boss and fly out of there. what you guys did was solve a small concern I didn't know I had. I still like being able to hop from roof to roof being a sneaky assassin but sometimes its nice to run a gauntlet amongst a strong army and feel like a badass. I like exploring the icey caves. though I would like to test some more wingsuit coarses flying through more caves. having more practical traps like the red ooze dripping from the cavern ceiling would make for an extra hazard for the player to navigate themselves around while in or out of combat.
13 Nov, '24
Nitro7I hate to have to to put bed for the villagers :)
It make me want to uninstall the game.
I have to make 16 beds !!
What the hell ??
And the I'll have to do it for animals :)
I loved building when it was optional. (I even did a french provencal whashhouse because I'm from Provence !! it has NO prupose. but being forced to be a domestic for 16 people !! god please)
for now I'l just dig a hole and throw 16 bed in it just to don't see theirs bed icon again and to be able to go to the alchemist, farmer, huntress, etc without them soft locking me just because they don't have a damn bed. -
13 Nov, '24
TrapperCZEThere needs to be way more snow. Currently, you barely ever get to touch that snow. Majority of content is below the snow level, majority of roads dont have snow, majority of quests don't go to snow, it is basicly only in unfinished and unused parts of the map, completely underused.
The translation from desert to mountain area is ugly. The on foot passes are looking good but if you try to fly over the mountains, its unfinished, ugly, with clearly visible break lines of the two textures (mountain/desert). Please give some love and life to the whole mountain pass that is separating the desert from the mountain biome. Currently, it is just an unused, ugly waste of space with no gameplay oportunities (nothing to hunt, gather, discover, nothing).
The new Hollow Halls needs considerable work. -
15 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Slaying the Corrupted Beast" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Nov, '24
Tigro MergedThe dragon in single player is extremely difficult, it would have been nice to have some quests, where you could find maybe pieces of a shield that defends entirely (and only) from fire
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18 Nov, '24
Nitro7My apologies for my previous request on the weather and the fly shake thing, I didn't knew we could change the settings of the game for this and accidentally found it.
No more rain, smooth fly and no more cold.
GOTY 2024 -
20 Nov, '24
AlunaCurrently heat sources provide frost resistance in a fixed radius, ignoring walls.
So you get their boost even when you're in a completely different room or outside and at the same time they don't warm up rooms because they ignore that walls should reflect the heat. Also they don't stack. Please change that, it makes no sense whatsoever.
Also a certain level of frost resistance should turn off the Hypothermia timer. For example what you get for being fully geared in mountain armor + being in a room with a fire should be enough to never freeze to death ever. -
20 Nov, '24
GreenDragon3141It's not very well known as not many players have done it yet, but if you upgrade the flame to level 8, the frost timer disappears while you are in building range of an altar. I think this should be made clearer, maybe when you go to upgrade the flame it could show by the shroud timer upgrade and other stuff? Currently most players don't even know this feature exists, as there aren't a whole lot of quests locked behind flame level 8, and getting the boss head to upgrade the flame is very difficult unless you're a very high level.
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21 Nov, '24
ThundercatsffsI really like it. Graphically its a+ tier. Needs better heat mechanic and silver is way too time consuming to mine. With full skill in mining and with the best pic i get like 5 silver ore from a large deposit and it takes all my stamina. Doesnt make silver feel rewarding but rather just a booring task you have to slog out imo.
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21 Nov, '24
TurbolaserI love Albaneve summits. Compared to the previous biomes it's really impressive and I think it demonstrates progress. I don't like all of the content though. A lot of the new content is jarringly childish and silly and just seems distinctly out of place. and if this is going to become a game for little kids I will just stop playing it.
21 Nov, '24
superpebbleone thing I would appreciate is more of a focus on the shroud itself. its a one trick pony, you step in the shroud, it starts the timer, let it go down and you die. some creatures can be found in the shroud that cant be found outside of the shroud normally. but where is the leery feeling. there's sounds of creatures in the shrouds that are more unnerving than the creatures available and maybe that is the point but what I would hope for is the shroud eluding to the beast a bit harder, more ferocity; a hunter of hunters. when I walk through the shroud I want to see enemies that the player might find difficult running away from something in a desperate panic as you can see buildings demolished and then gone in a blur leaving you with a random encounter as the other enemies realize your presence. a large rock being hurled at you from the obscurity of the mist. play on the idea that the creature is clever, calculating with traps and attacks of opportunity. then follow up with a boss battle.
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22 Nov, '24
superpebble Mergedfirst off. its a fun battle with a welcome change in combat than the norm, I want to say that upfront.
the introduction however feels rather uneventful. a prompt over the UI is a good way to give away the boss while not doing anything with it. instead, dont be afraid to send the player to a world boss location for the player to discover a drastic change in that part of the local area. that dragon could reduce a sandstone house into a destroyed mess of rubble maybe have the huntress get the player to investigate a the new threat by sending them to a vukah camp that has been wiped out. like in moby- dick, have a breaching moment to show off a new big bad boss and dont be afraid to kill the player in a one time only engagement with an all new powerful foe. this is a great way to lay it all down that they will have to train themselves, get better equipment. even having it perform a low flying pass over the player to give them a sense of scale before it flies to the top of the mountain. -
22 Nov, '24
Entrodorcan we please have the frost protection ring drop rate reduced.... i think me and my friend have gotten 20+ of these damn things from the gold chests in albaneve summit... id much rather be getting a useful weapon over the damn ring.
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22 Nov, '24
VickiThe flashing red border on the new hypothermia timer unfortunately is very distracting, despite being quite slow it's still a flashing light in the corner of my vision and it's making the new areas harder to navigate now :(
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22 Nov, '24
AedwynnOverall, beautiful game. I did enjoy the Albaneve Summits. I like the new furniture and blocks, I like the new armour sets (especially that 'bull' one. That's my fave). The new NPC's I like. It's nice to have them around and it's nice to go and 'save' people, but the pathfinding of them is a bit... uh... Well, mine all cluster around the back of one of my buildings like they're all just having all-day smoke break or something.
New skills are nice. I appreciate giving melee players a more reliable way to strike aerial opponents. However, I feel that 5 whole skill points for the pre-requisite skill seems a little bit much. It's STILL a bit frustrating fighting aerial foes, but this does help a great deal.
As a melee guy I found the Dragon Youngling boss fight frustrating for a few reasons. I ultimately just re-specced into an Archer build and I beat the boss that way.
Also felt it strange that it's not the final thing, and it's needed to explore the rest of the zone, but that's fine -
22 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Killing the dragon on the summit" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"an analysis on the newest dragon boss." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Dragon Fight" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Nov, '24
Nitro7I don't know in english, but in french there should be a difference between, "Charbon de bois" (the one made with the wooden logs), and "Minerais de Charbon" (the pickaxe one). :)
22 Nov, '24
Nitro7now that there are so many NPCs, I think they should "look at each other" when two NPCs are next to each other (like two people talking), the way they look at the player. I always have the impression of being looked at by a council who judges me (maybe it's my agoraphobia)
24 Nov, '24
LadyIt seems we are unable to "poach" the new blocks from existing structures, as is possible elswhere in the world.
In addition, the new room dividers are wonderful, could they be added as a craftable object? And there seems to be no double door for the conifer door. As all other doors have a double version, this seems like an oversight. -
24 Nov, '24
BourbonBeardThe new update has been great in many ways. I would love to see the ability to build enclosed buildings in the "freezing" areas that could be warm on the interior with fireplaces, braziers, etc. Transparent glass blocks for custom windows would be great as well. A base on top of a frozen, snow covered peak with the visuals in this game would be an amazing ability.
Otherwise I think this update breathed a lot new life into the game and have been loving it. -
24 Nov, '24
IsaacPlease give us more gnomes! A gnome carrying a torch for fire would be amazing. I love putting them around my base, but we just need more variety ~ gnomes sitting, laying down, pulling funny gestures etc.
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27 Nov, '24
LeonardoOne more opinion about the Dragon fight.
The fight is annoying because of the restrictions imposed by the shape of the arena, but those can be managed once the player learns the mechanics. What makes the fight extremely frustrating are the little things that can go wrong just by chance and that kill the player without a chance for a comeback. For example being pushed into the ring in a place that do not afford uplift by the air current.
Also please, please, please remove the collision with the boss when its stun bar is filled and he falls to the ground. Right now the game engine moves the boss around according to some logic that might be consistent but not easy to guess and it's very easy for the player to be pushed off the stone platform by the falling boss, wasting the hard-earned damage window and still leading to the adds spawning. It feels infuriating.
Finally, when only a player is connected to the server, any time the boss resets, the adds should despawn. -
29 Nov, '24
Janks18 npc +animals in my home feels a bit crowded/can be stressfull to take care of to minimize the stuck&lost game incl. how to build for a smooth walk into the abyss.. The implemented bugs/features will may work out over time except the one thing which caused some lost of fun. It is the meaning behind of not be able to kill the dragon boss.
The game is advertised as 1-16 player game were main unlocks are world based, with a strong pronouncation of having a fun solo game. The hollow halls are described as grp dungeons with no influence of the progress in the game if they are not cleared. That's not the case with the dragon boss! Does the altar stop with lvl 8? What's the idea behind of this ridiculous setup? It's no fun to play, even to spend time on it to learn the pattern.
The unique/charm & selling part of this game is the wonderful design of the world which in is perfectly implemented the variety to build. If you take this away it will be just like any other survival/grinding games. -
29 Nov, '24
LibertyThis biome reminds me of our Prime Minister - Albanese - every time I see the word :D
30 Nov, '24
CorvmattThe whole biome is awesome, the tilesets, the design, the size, everything.
The Dragon fight is a huge embarassment though, I'm not going to list details as it has been said by others before.
+ I would love to see more lore scattered around.
Keep up the great work, this is super game