Enshrouded feedback board

Please post in English only. Posts and comments in other languages will be removed. Only one idea per suggestion. Laundry lists of suggestions will be removed. Make sure that suggestions are actually actionable!

Here are some things to keep in mind about Enshrouded and this suggestion board:

  1. PLEASE SEARCH TO SEE IF YOUR IDEA ALREADY EXISTS! Currently, less than 1 out of 10 ideas suggested is actually new! Upvote the existing ideas to make them popular!
  2. Our first priority is to fix any major issues, crashes, bugs, etc. that might happen when the game releases. First, we want the game to run well for everyone, then we will start expanding the game.
  3. No promises! Developing games is a complex and time-consuming task. Even seemingly small changes can completely up-end your development plans. The team saying we love your idea does not mean it will happen, or that it will happen soon!
  4. We make the final call. Getting high votes does not mean we can or will make a suggestion happen. We are listening to suggestions and taking the ones we think will fit the vision we have for Enshrouded.
  5. Suggestions should be actionable. A ticket should have an achievable end goal. Saying "Make this better" doesn't tell the team what you actually want.
  6. Don't use this board to report bugs! Bugs should be reported in-game by pressing F1 and picking "Report an issue".

NPCs, Townsfolk, Assistants and related questlines

Please use this thread to post any feedback on NPCs, Townsfolk, Assistants and their related quests.
Suggested by: CoolUsernameBro (05 Nov, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 134
Pinned Open suggestion Megathread

Pets, farming and taming

Please use this thread to post any feedback on pets, farming and taming.
Suggested by: CoolUsernameBro (05 Nov, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 116
Pinned Open suggestion Megathread

Progression changes and additions (grapple hook, skill tree expansion, etc.)

Please use this thread to share your feedback about the progression changes and additions, including the grappling hook changes, skill tree expansion, new level cap, ...
Suggested by: CoolUsernameBro (05 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 53
Pinned Open suggestion Megathread

General Combat Feedback Thread (Update 4)

We get a fair bit of general combat feedback on here, often multiple suggestions that don't really work as a single actionable ticket. I've made this thread to merge ...
Suggested by: Toast (08 Nov, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 122

New weather and visual changes

Please use this thread to post your feedback about the new immersive weather (rain and snow storms) and visual changes.
Suggested by: CoolUsernameBro (05 Nov, '24) Upvoted: today Comments: 76
Pinned Open suggestion Megathread

New biome - Albaneve Summits feedback thread

Please use this thread for all your feedback on the Albaneve Summits / mountain biome.
Suggested by: CoolUsernameBro (05 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 16 Jan Comments: 60
Pinned Open suggestion Megathread

Skill Tree Feedback Thread

There's a lot of general feedback surrounding the skill tree, often not specific enough to warrant their own actionable tickets. However, rather than delete them all, ...
Suggested by: Marcus (29 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 06 Dec, '24 Comments: 135
Open suggestion Megathread

(OLD) combat feedback thread

I've closed this thread due to it being pretty old, that does NOT mean we're done with combat feedback, though! You can find the new thread here: ...
Suggested by: GreyDev1l (29 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 11 Nov, '24 Comments: 57
Done Megathread