weather has benefits instead of just negatives
Weather can't just be a negative thing.. give us some positives for when it rains or it will just get annoying. Maybe something like, increases how fast our crops grow, or washes away some of the shroud, or leaves us feeling "refreshed", things we can only do during rain, etc.
Comments: 5
09 Nov, '24
SaschaRain should water seedbeds (or add 1 water if the right recipe is selected)
5 -
12 Nov, '24
MKJwhoaI like this idea. Maybe rain could negate fire damage you take and boost lightning damage on your enemies.
5 -
05 Dec, '24
ScaarThere is a point in the game where you start needing more water for farming and cooking, before you are even able to craft wells. But you can make a bucket, would it not be just fantastic if you could place a bucket in the rain and when the rain passes and you pick up/interact with the bucket, you get a stack of water. It makes rain a positive thing, and it should not be too hard to implement, it could be the same kind of interaction as if you gather milk from a goat.
05 Dec, '24
Paul JWind could blow you off course when gliding, the severity depending on how strong. I've rarely seen games showcase "windy" weather, and while it's usually just visuals (leaves and debris being scattered), it's also pretty atmospheric. It could also combo with other weather effects e.g. rain + wind.
Rain could dampen how far sound travels and shorten enemy visual detection range. A previous comment also suggested that it could boost shock damage and reduce fire damage.
Would also like to see NPCs react to different weather e.g. if it's raining they should get under cover or have increased preference to loiter near warmth sources. -
14 Dec, '24
Night's PathImagine you get less stamina for being wet debuff, but your crops exposed to the rain grow faster, or seedbeds make an extra seedling, or farm animals in the rain produce faster, or wells fill up faster.
You can also have all the above.
Since we already have the hit to stamina, which discourages exploration while wet, use that to boost base things like mentioned above.