New weather and visual changes
Please use this thread to post your feedback about the new immersive weather (rain and snow storms) and visual changes.
Comments: 76
05 Nov, '24
NinaI miss the bright colours! My strawberries look pale red... The trees look dull. Please fix the colour rendering....
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05 Nov, '24
BillRAIN! Despite my best efforts I CANNOT stop it from raining inside. Double everything... walls, floors, and roofs and overlapping corners. Top floors are a virtual deluge and it filters all the way down through the buildings.
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05 Nov, '24
Isaac frainThere needs to be a gamma slider in the display settings ~ I’ve sunk in 100s of hours so you can imagine this is a massive change visually. The colours of the items look far less visually appealing in the inventory ~ like the quality has gone down a lot. The candles being a full bright white is very intense. If it aren’t broke, don’t fix it :) Thanks for reading my feedback.
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05 Nov, '24
Ais05Wanted to add to voices talking about light update. Sadly i was one of people who liked everything before, and for whom now whole game is very dark. Caves and rooms in my house are pitch black, really impossible to see anything, torch gives so little light i can only see one step away. Every item, npc, building and location feels partly covered in black paint. I tried changing settings but saw no difference. Wish there was "brightness" option, or "please just same as it was before" button.
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06 Nov, '24
NonoThe lighting before the update was completely fine. Now, if there are lights, it's an over-saturated orange mess that hurts the eyes, in the dark it's impossible to see even with torches. The inventory and crafting menus have weird colors that don't match what the items look like, the construction menu is an obnoxious orange that is almost neon, EVERYTHING has its colors over-saturated to the point of ridiculous.
The rain is horrible, let us turn that thing off. I never asked for weather, nor do I care about it. Keep it freezing all you want in the mountains, but I'm tired of wet debuffs, especially INSIDE MY HOUSE. There is barely ever a sunny day anymore, it's always cloudy and dark, HORRIBLE.
I shouldn't have to rely on Reshade to fix the mess YOU created. Revert the lighting changes and give us an option to turn the weather off. Not everyone cares about it, or wants it.
I don't even know why I bother, because you'll listen as much you do with the bloom (I WANT IT OFF!) -
06 Nov, '24
KashmirWanted to add to this as well. I was playing the game Sep thru Oct up to the update and loving the game, the graphics all looked super nice and vibrant. Now since the update everything is super dark, even out in the sunlight things like strawberries are just super dull. The game used to feel like a magical wonderland and now it super feels dulled down.
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07 Nov, '24
RyLove the visual changes game is looking great now plus no flashbangs. The raining is really scarce and when it begins it usually last only for a minute but it may be that I leave the area quick with glider?
Also unfortunately quite often happens that textures become blurry from close distance, never happened before.
The new míst we can see when looking at large distance sometimes partially disappears. -
07 Nov, '24
XaelaRain frequency needs some tuning. Even on rare it's raining excessively. The wet buff really isn't fun when it happens so often
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07 Nov, '24
PartyPooperI like the new rain mechanics, but: It rains far too often in the first biome. Even set on "rare" it rains several times a day. Esp in the beginning the stamina debuff hits hard, so I lose a lot of time hiding from the rain. And then it's nighttime :(
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07 Nov, '24
DusanFirst, thank you devs for listening players; a lot of improvements came with this fourth update.
It rains too often. I set the slider to "Rare," yet it rains every 10-20 minutes, which feels frequent. "Rare" should rain every 40-60 minutes, maybe even go a few days without rain.
The changes to saturation and color in general aren’t a positive change for me. The contrast is fine, I’d say, but the grass and trees look less vibrant in the sunlight—there’s more gray in the grass than before. It also seems there’s some new lighting, like a "rim light" or something similar. I’ve noticed some issues with texture on the trees and dark cultivated soil, which I didn’t notice before.
The new rain clouds look good from a distance, on daylight, however, when night falls, this area has volumetric fog that gets illuminated by a red shroud making the rain (fog) appear pink from the ground all the way up to the clouds. It looks VERY STRANGE. -
07 Nov, '24
Nico MergedTrees and other plants in bases have a way too low draw distance resulting in "ugly" bases if you use trees for styling and view your base from some distance away.
Is there a way to put them on the same "layer" as the normal world trees so they would render at "any" distance?
I am kinda amazed how this has not already been talked about. -
07 Nov, '24
tim besse MergedWhen you move from a bright area to a dark there is an exaggerated darkening of the screen for a moment and visa versa when moving into the light. Other games have the ability to turn this off. Please give us this option. I dislike it and I know some people get headaches from it.
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08 Nov, '24
Clara MergedHey so I have buildings that are quire tall, and I've got windowed openings that are very large, and rain just comes through or forms inside the building.
Can we have it so weather just stops wherever shelter is? I've got a bedroom with one such a window (two stories tall) and the bed just gets rained on it's sad. I've had to turn the weather off which sucks 'cause I really like it! -
08 Nov, '24
AkbarothI would love the ability to still have rain, but turn off the debuff that comes with it. The debuff isn't even that bad but just the minor annoyance of seeing it there makes me disproportionately annoyed when it starts raining.
For now I've just turned off rain altogether. -
08 Nov, '24
lia1. Weather can't just be a negative thing.. give us some positives for when it rains or it will just get annoying. Maybe something like, increases how fast our crops grow, or washes away some of the shroud, or leaves us feeling "refreshed", things we can only do during rain, etc.
2. Weather needs more variability. Not just Rain/Sunshine. Things like thunderstorms, misty days, windy days, etc. plus, hopefully, seasons one day!! -
08 Nov, '24
Toast AdminWeather related suggestion ticket
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08 Nov, '24
Evil C MergedDays seem to be way too short. It seems like every time i'm in combat, night descends.
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08 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"It'sraining inside!" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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08 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"DAY" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Nov, '24
rabb1t MergedI could really use more light. I haven't played since early access started and back then night being pitch black was fine. I'd just port back to my main home and do some farming and crafting. But I've returned for a peek at the new content and the Hallowed Halls were kind of ruined by my inability to see. Maybe it's because I'm on a laptop (TUF F15 from 2022) but night is pitch black, I can only see for like 5-10 feet around me with light, and the halls were practically the same. It probably took me 30 minutes to get out of a room because I literally could not see far enough to figure out how to get to the areas I needed to get to. I kept falling down because I literally could not see more than 5-10 feet. even with a torch or glow light. I eventually had to memorize the room and navigate it blind.
Soooooo... a brightness option would be great, but I kind of feel like it's cheating. We DEFINATELY need higher level torch options, or better glow vial options. Or maybe a vision perk. -
08 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"I need more light options / Dark areas are pitch black; problematic at night and in Hallowed Halls" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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08 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Turn off the bloom effect (drastic light change when entering a well-lit area)" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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08 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Enhance draw distance for trees and plants in player bases" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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09 Nov, '24
Hans-JürgenSeit dem neuen Update ist es bei mir ständig am Regnen. 3 Minuten Sonnenschein und schon geht es wieder los mit dem Regen. Schön wäre eine Option mit der man das dynamische Wetter regeln bzw. deaktivieren kann.
09 Nov, '24
IsaacPlease fix the colour rendering and also change those two plants back to purple. Thunder and lightning would be amazing and also a more in depth weather system slider when you’re creating your world on the main menu. A lot more sun as that’s when the game looks the most beautiful with how it shines onto your base :)
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09 Nov, '24
Cat MergedI note that, after Update 4, some of my lights are going out in my base. I understand from other players who are having the same issue that it's because of poor PC optimisation. Is this something that can be rectified in the near future? It's very frustrating to make a huge, beautiful build only for it to be in the dark! Otherwise, if possible, my suggestion would be some kind of warning system or count for lights so that you know how many you have available that will actually stay alight. So that, when you go to place a light or fire, it says something like 150/200 or whatever the limit is.
PS: also, doors and windows are disappearing. This is not good. -
09 Nov, '24
JankyThe weather is all good but “dynamic” feels a tad only technically true when it seems to be raining more than it doesn’t, almost constantly!
10 Nov, '24
EstherI really like the rain and appreciate the hard work you made in putting it into the game. I love weather in games as it feels unnatural to me to always have eternal sunshine (I'm from the UK)!
Perhaps to appease those that don't like it, introduce a slider for rain intensity.
I personally love it as it is. Thank you, again! -
10 Nov, '24
Wolfe BeckhaverI love the weather. Have not seen it rain inside as others have.
I don't mind the debuff, and would actually like to see it rain for entire day/night cycles with a caveat: It would be nice if we could have an additional armour slot that worked as a cloak. The cloak would shield from rain and remove the debuff/or give resistance to rain for x amount of time. A separate thicker wool cloak (like John Snow in game of thrones) for the snow biome to increase time in the snow(like increasing shroud time).
I would basically like to see a way to make outfits have an impact on buffs/debuffs based on the biome. The ability to swap armour so fast on mannequins (as exists in game now) would lend to this feature. -
10 Nov, '24
RyThe raining area is too small and always at the same place. I played 30h from the update and only got maybe 5 min combined rain because it's always so short or not my in area
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10 Nov, '24
Call The BannersA slider for weather duration would be welcome. Currently, we can manipulate how often harsh weather conditions occur but I'd enjoy being able to set how long a rainstorm may last. I would love an entire day of rain or snow.
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10 Nov, '24
ArkhneMake weather regularity setting in world settings actually make an appreciable difference. Setting it to "Rare" seems to make no difference in the regularity of the rain. It's fine if you want the base to be this often, but make the setting actually do something.
10 Nov, '24
DusanWhen the sun rises and sets, the atmospheric perspective completely disappears. Distant objects are usually harder to see during the day, as they should be, but at sunrise and sunset, the farthest mountain appears with the same intensity as the hill right in front of me, which looks off. I'm not sure if this is a technical issue or if the devs think it’s supposed to be that way. During the day, it looks great.
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11 Nov, '24
CrispyLoving the new weather system, it adds an extra dimension of immersion to the game, however it rains too frequently. It should rain once every couple of days. It seems like now it rains every day and even multiple times per day.
Great job so far guys loving all the progress you've made in such short amount of time! -
11 Nov, '24
MichelleIt's raining and I love it, even though the weather is really bad made by you developers, but it makes the game so much more immersive! But when it rains there is never thunder; - why! When it rains and you teleport a short distance, the sun shines! When it rains you can hear the sound, that's fine, but if you take a step back under a half roof, you can't hear the sound of rain anymore!
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11 Nov, '24
BakudanSo i love the fact there is "weather" but :
The rain is way to often, i'm wet everyday so its just almost a permanent malus, i would love to see a slider option for Weather frequency (like not Every day would be lovely, i don' t mind a complete day of rain, but i would love also full day of sun which now is missing.
Would be great to have sand storm in the desert area or windy weather with leafs flowing or even Moon+auroras at night time.
The darkness now is... very dark, which make night a off time for me, if torch would light Cave and Outside better if would be a different game.
I would LOVE being able to carry a Lantern, light a small light radius around us (no need to light 50meter around), crafting Lantern to support it in our belt, not having to "hand it" would be perfect for those very dark areas. I don't care if there will be a refilling fuel for them, just would make the game better for night time. -
11 Nov, '24
JohannesRains way to often. Not clear what wet debuff does. Should be displayed.
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12 Nov, '24
KitsuniNeed more verity to the weather. Like actually snowing in the mountains instead of just rain. As well as more verity to the severity of storms, with lightning strikes, etc. Would also like flooding when water gets added finally but I doubt that'll happen.
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13 Nov, '24
550+ hour playerit rained 6 times today by the time night fell. I would never live in Seattle due to the frequent rain.
Devs, I know your excited about the the new weather system but please please STOP! Once a day maybe? -
13 Nov, '24
TrapperCZEPlease, add the option to set custom weather setting Always and Hardcore
Always would make it so there are rain/snow/storms etc all the time
Hardcore would allow snow and cold globally and not only in the mountain -
15 Nov, '24
Even in the worst parts of Britain It doesn't Rain Every. Single. Day. Forever.
Also: Either you're Modelling Northern Europe OR South East Asia, Pick One.
Either it's gray Rainy all the time OR Twilight lasts 30 Seconds, Not Both -
15 Nov, '24
Toast Admin"Lights limit and optimisation" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-11-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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17 Nov, '24
Auren DawnstarI've been enjoying the addition of rain and love the attention of detail where you can actually see it from a distance. Though the debuff might be a bit harsh if you end up caught in the rain a lot. Would love thunderstorm and fog bank variants as well.
I also love the reduction in the light glare. It's not quite the same as getting a full disable toggle for the bloom, but it's definitely easier on the eyes. Though a lot of the low light and unlit areas in the game have gotten even darker and are sometimes impossible to see in without any sort of light source. -
17 Nov, '24
LucrataThere was one instance of being able to see rain in the distance (skeins of rain from clouds) that I quite enjoyed. However, if there were a mid- to late- game method (maybe some form of small construction object or Belthazar ritual?) to reduce the chance of rain, that may be preferable. Or, rain customization in the general menus.
17 Nov, '24
KurtI'm so glad it rains now, but Embervale must be in a literal rainforest for how much it rains. Seems like 3 or 4 times per day and it's very annoying. Either make the wet debuff last a shorter amount of time, or make it rain once a day if that.
18 Nov, '24
BluSleeperLighting, temperature and weather SHOULD be obvious with changes in clothing / armor affecting these climates. Damp, wet, hot, dry / arid (consuming more liquids while in the area) cold areas need cold brew. will add way more to the immersion. Just to name a few things.
BTW Cloaks, Capes and Masks should be separate from normal clothing on head, body, legs, feet and hands. I don't know if this game has it but protection from heat / lava would be nice too. I think it so unbelievable that the scorching hot desert will allow people to wear certain types of clothing / armor. And quicksand should be a real danger as well. -
18 Nov, '24
elithe weather is nice but just rain and sun is kind of boring. it would be nice to have thunderstorms and lightning, real dangerous weather.
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18 Nov, '24
YuberMy toughts on the weather
- Very positive because it adds immersion
+ For the Feature i wish more patterns
- Thunderstorms
- Windy weather (Maybe with the mechanic that when u fly with the wind u can fly further and when against it not that far?)
- Cloudy Weather
- Trees should shake more when it is windy -
19 Nov, '24
EscynturelI would love to have lightning and thunder. The volume of such should be able to to adjusted... but the sound of distant thunder is so wonderful to me. The lightning doesn't have to do anything, but I think it would be nice to have more weather than just rain. More weather variety would be great! Windy weather would be interesting too. It could even affect the glider like... it's easier to stay in the air, but harder to control or something. Fog would also be really cool, and maybe sandstorms or something based on your biome?
Also, the frequency of rain seems really high. Even with the weather setting set to low... it just seems to rain every one to two days, sometimes even several times a day. I am not a fan. I think it makes sense for it to rain more in the swamp/jungle biomes... but it seems to rain that much everywhere. The stamina penalties for being wet are annoying, but even just aesthetically... I want to have nice weather sometimes. -
19 Nov, '24
AileSeasons would be a cool addition eventually maybe once actually removing shroud has been established. Then you set up a town with interactive npcs and farm based on seasons and such sell your crops store your grains prepare WINTER IS COMING!