Spells stored in staff/special spell book, instead of carrying eternal spells in inventory.

44 votes

I would like to see the addition of spell runes. A staff would have more rune slots depending on level and rarity of the staff. A player could then craft different levels of a spell rune and slot them into the staff. Spell runes would replace eternal spells. This would make it so you did not have to carry eternal spells in your inventory, and you could carry more or less spells depending on the level and rarity of your staff. This would also solve the problem of having multiple levels of "fireball" for instance. You would craft or loot your initial fireball rune, and then upgrade it in the future with a runeforging table. This would allow you to have a fireball that wasn't overpowered in early game, but not underpowered in late game. You also wouldn't have to carry a bunch of extra crap around in your bags.

Open suggestion Balance change Feature improvement Suggested by: Wes Upvoted: 17 Jan Comments: 5

Comments: 5